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I’m trying to add sequential numbers, from 1 to 200M, to an empty SQL table. The number is too large to make the list with Excel. I’m also using Cpanel which has a low file size limit. Any way to do this using an sql query? (Note: other posts have given sample code for this, but they don’t seem to be standard SQL queries that can be used in cpanel.)

Any advice will be appreciated.



  1. The easiest way is to use information_schema.columns view.
    Simple SQLFiddle demo for 100.000 rows (only 100 thousand since I don’t want to kill SQLFiddle) – it takes only a few seconds:

    SELECT @x:=@x+1
    FROM (SELECT @x:=0) xx,
    information_schema.columns a,
    information_schema.columns b,
    information_schema.columns c,
    information_schema.columns d
    LIMIT 10000;

    If your database has, say, 100 columns, then the cross join of 4 tables can give 100^4 = 100000000 potential rows, this is much more than you need.

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  2. An iterative solution would be:

    DECLARE @Counter int=0
    WHILE @Counter <= 2000000
        INSERT tableName(columnName)
        VALUES (@Counter)
        SET @Counter=@Counter+1

    The drawback to this solution is that it will execute 2 million insert statements against your database.

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