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I’m using whm/cpanel and the first time i’m doing a cron job.

I have a php file located in /home/my_website/public_html/wp-content/youtube_channels/cron.php

I want this to run every minute.

I have this as a cron command but i want to make sure it is correct before going forward.

***** /home/my_website/public_html/wp-content/youtube_channels/cron.php

Is this correct? I want this code to run every minute.



  1. For a crontab entry, you need spaces between the stars –

    * * * * * /home/my_website/public_html/wp-content/youtube_channels/cron.php
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  2. A crontab line

    * * * * * php /path/to/phpfile.php >> /path/to/logfile.log 2>&1

    • * * * * * time settings
    • php to execute an php file, You can not just call the phpfile like an executeable file (only if you setup and add #!/usr/bin/php correctly)
    • >> pipes the output from the phpfile into logfile (or else)
    • /path/to/logfile.log the log file
    • 2>&1 ensures that all what is comeing from STDOUT and STDERR is piped into the logfile.

    More info:

    Run a PHP file in a cron job using CPanel (not only for CPanel user) (STDOUT/STDERR)

    Have a nice cron

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