I have a simple docker container which runs just fine on my local machine. I was hoping to find an easy checklist how I could publish and run my docker container on cPanel any help , i used centos 7 server
(iptables failed: iptables –wait -t nat -A DOCKER -p tcp -d –dport 80 -j DNAT –to-destination ! -i docker0: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
and port not be defined
Yes you can install docker over cPanel/WHM just like installing it on any other CentOS server/virtual machine.
Just follow these simple steps (as root):
The guide above is for CentOS 7.x. Don’t expect to find any references or options related to Docker in the WHM interface. You will be able to control docker via command line from a SSH shell.
I have some docker containers already running on my cPanel/WHM server and I have no issues with them. I basically use them for caching, proxying and other similar stuff.
And as long as you follow these instructions, you won’t mess-up any of your cPanel/WHM services/settings or current cPanel accounts/settings/sites/emails etc.
See references Here
Adding onto Tiago’s comment
Docker is now installed using
So skip step 2 and modify step 3