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I’m developing a site on a platform that’s using the Twig (Symfony) language for its templates, and in one place, I need to change the layout (disable a default block and load a different block) based on whether the user is on a mobile device or a desktop.

I know how to do it in PHP (using the “check_user_agent(‘mobile’)” variable), but that doesn’t work in Twig… and I’ve come across a reference to the Twig “Mobile Detect Bundle”, but I have no idea how to install it (shared hosting with cPanel).

Soo… is there a way to detect mobile user-agent in Twig, without having to install anything?



  1. If you already have PHP code to return true/false based on the user agent, it is quite simple to Write a custom Twig Extension to run that code, but from Twig.

    Alternatively, you can run the check in the controller and pass in the result, or in a ‘kernel.controller Event’ to even run the check before a controller action is called (probably putting it into a Request ‘attributes’, where it can also be checked in the template).

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  2. During each request, Symfony will set a global template variable app in both Twig and PHP template engines by default.
    The Request object that represents the current request: app.request

    So if you want to know the user-agent you can use app.request.headers in the template.
    e.g :

    {{ app.request.headers.get('User-Agent')}}
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  3. General Solution for PHP is a great and maintained php class to detect the user agent and is not limited to Symfony.

    For Symfony

    To use the above class with Symfony, you could either write a twig extension yourself or use this Mobile Detect Twig Extension that does the job.

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