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So in the code below, I have a --pop colour, and a --bg background color. I wish to calculate a hover color from the two as follows:

Mix --pop with the inverse with --bg.
e.g. if the background is black, I wish to mix --pop with white.
--bg could be any color.

--pop: #123456;
--bg: black;
--hover: color-mix(in srgb, var(--pop) 30%, ???inverse of --bg here???)



  1. If the JavaScript solution is okay you can try something like:

    const inverseColor = (color) => {
        color = color.substring(1);
        color = parseInt(color, 16);
        color = 0xFFFFFF ^ color;
        color = color.toString(16);           // convert to hex
        return `#${(`000000` + color).slice(-6)}`;    // pad with leading zeros
    let color = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement)
    let inverseBG = inverseColor(color);        
        .setProperty('--bg-inverse', inverseBG);


    --hover: color-mix(in srgb, var(--pop) 30%, var(--bg-inverse));
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  2. Here is a CSS only solution from the future using relative color syntax

    --pop: #123456;
    --bg: black;
    --hover: color-mix(in srgb, var(--pop) 30%, rgb(from var(--bg) calc(1 - r) calc(1 - g) calc(1 - b)))

    It has no support right now but soon you will be able to test it on Chrome

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