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Is there any way to have a specific card show its own text when you click the show text button. I’ve tried several different ways of manipulating CSS, it doesn’t work

    @foreach(var note in noteViewModels)
    <div class="m-2">
        <div class="d-flex justify-content-around" style="background-color: darkgray">
                <button class="btn bg-dark text-light" @onclick="()=>DetailsButtonHandler(note)">View Text</button>
                <button class="btn bg-dark text-light">Edit Card</button>
        <div style="background-color:lightgray;">
            <div class="m-0 p-1">
                <p class="m-2 p-2 bg-light">@note.NoteModel.Text</p>

help me pls i dont know what to do



  1. There’s various ways you can do this.

    Since you’re working with a collection of Notes then the simplest way would be to add a property to the Note class

    public class Note
        // other properties
        public bool IsShowText {get;set;} = false;

    Using an @if statement in the markup to control what to show and hide.
    The button clicks pass the specific note to the handler method, where you change the IsShowText property.

    @foreach(var note in noteViewModels)
        <div class="m-0 p-1">
            <p class="m-2 p-2 bg-light">@note.Name</p>
        <button class="btn bg-dark text-light" @onclick="(()=>HandleClick(note))">Show/Hide Text</button>
            <div style="background-color:lightgray;">
                <div class="m-0 p-1">
                    <p class="m-2 p-2 bg-light">@note.NoteModel.Text</p>
        void HandleClick(Note note)
            note.IsShowText = !note.IsShowText;

    Or, you can use CSS classes/properties. Where you use the @() block to write C# code in.

    In the example below i’m adding the bootstrap d-none class based on the IsShowText property of the note on this line, class='@(note.IsShowText?"":"d-none")'.

    @foreach(var note in noteViewModels)
        <div class="m-0 p-1">
            <p class="m-2 p-2 bg-light">@note.Name</p>
        <button class="btn bg-dark text-light" @onclick="(()=>HandleClick(note))">Show/Hide Text</button>
        <div style="background-color:lightgray;" class='@(note.IsShowText?"":"d-none")'>
        <div class="m-0 p-1">
            <p class="m-2 p-2 bg-light">@note.NoteModel.Text</p>
    <button class="btn bg-dark text-light" @onclick="HandleClick">Show/Hide Text</button>
        void HandleClick(Note note)
            note.IsShowText = !note.IsShowText;

    Both methods demos

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  2. Well, if you want to individually toggle each item, you need to either add a bool ShowText to the Notes class itself, or create a dictionary with each instance as a key, and a boolean as the value. Here’s an example of the latter.

    @page "/"
    @foreach (var note in Notes)
        <div class="m-2">
            <div class="d-flex justify-content-around" style="background-color: darkgray">
                    <button class="btn bg-dark text-light" @onclick="()=>NoteToggles[note]=!NoteToggles[note]">Toggle Text</button>
                    <button class="btn bg-dark text-light">Edit Card</button>
            @if (NoteToggles[note])
                <div style="background-color:lightgray;">
                    <div class="m-0 p-1">
                        <p class="m-2 p-2 bg-light">@note.Text</p>
    @code {
        public class Note
            public string Title;
            public DateTime CreateDate;
            public string Text;
        List<Note> Notes = new()
            new Note(){ Title = "So cool!", CreateDate = DateTime.Now, Text = "This is my important message."  },
            new Note(){ Title = "Very nice!", CreateDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Text = "This is another important message."  },
            new Note(){ Title = "Radical, dude!", CreateDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1), Text = "This is the most important message."  }
        Dictionary<Note, bool> NoteToggles;
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            NoteToggles = Notes.ToDictionary(n => n, n=> false);
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