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When running npm run build my pictures under src/assets/… are not available in the dist directory / production build. So not shown on the site. In dev mode it works for sure.

Any ideas on how to make them available after building?

Also, in my VSCode terminal, i get the the error that

"GET /src/assets/store2.webp" Error (404): "Not found"

    <div className="onah">
      <img src="src/assets/Deal-2.webp" 

I have attached some screenshots for a better understanding. I even had to configure my vite.configscreenshot




  1. You should import the asset so vite could manage it and build it for production, instead of:

      <div className="onah">
         <img src="src/assets/Deal-2.webp" 

    you should do:

      import deal from "src/assets/Deal-2.webp";
      <div className="onah">
        <img src={deal} ... />
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  2. Assets in src/assets must be imported into the code to be included in the bundle.
    You should use it like

    // Importing an image asset into the code
    import image1 from './assets/image1.webp';
    // Using the imported asset
    <img src={image1} alt="Image 1" />

    If you just want static files to be bundled with your project, you should use public/ and refer it by process.env.PUBLIC_URL

    //Assuming that image is stored inside a public directory 
    <img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL+"/image1.webp"} alt="Image 1" />
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