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I can do the following in pure HTML/CSS

<div color="red">

<div color="yellow">
div[color="red"] {
  color: red;

div[color="yellow"] {
  color: yellow;

However, using React and TypeScript, I want to do something like this:

const Colored = ({ color }: { color: "yellow" | "red" ) => (
    <div color={color}>
        { color }

However, I can’t add abritrary props to div!!
so we could do exactly the same as the above, but instead

<Colored color="red" />
<Colored color="yellow" />

How can I do something like this? Additionally, should I even be doing this? Is there a better way of doing this in React?



  1. In this case using the type React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> you can pass additional properties to the DIV mantaining your component Colored.

    type IColoredProps =  { color: "yellow" | "red" } & React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
    const Colored: FC<IColoredProp> = (props) => (
        <div {...props}>

    Now the color is mandatory and can only be "red" or "yellow", and you can pass the rest of properties a normal div can have.

    <Colored style={{ fontSize: "25px" }} color="red"/>
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  2. I created a codeSandBox example for you :

    • instead of <Colored text="red" /> you should use <Colored color="red" />
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