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I have this example table taken from

I would like to give some color for some rows.

Here is a minimal working example:

<script setup lang="ts">
type TableRec = {
    code: string
    from_title: string | null
    to_title: string | null
    from_title_short: string | null
    to_title_short: string | null

const tableData : TableRec[] = [
  {code:"code01", from_title: "value1", from_title_short: "value1", to_title:null, to_title_short:null},
  {code:"code02", from_title: "value2", from_title_short: "value2", to_title:"not null", to_title_short:"not null"},
  {code:"code03", from_title: "value3", from_title_short: "value3", to_title:null, to_title_short:null},  

const rowClassName = ({
}: {
  row: TableRec
  rowIndex: number
})  => {
  if (!row.to_title) {
    return "warning-row"
  } else {
    return "success"


    <el-table :data="tableData" :row-class-name="rowClassName">
        <el-table-column prop="code" label="Code" width="200" />
        <el-table-column prop="from_title_short" label="From" />
        <el-table-column prop="to_title_short" label="To" />

.el-table .warning-row {
  --el-table-tr-bg-color: var(--el-color-warning-light-9);
.el-table .success-row {
  --el-table-tr-bg-color: var(--el-color-success-light-9);

When I change the CSS and save the vue file, then I can see that hot reloading happens. The request looks like this:

import {createHotContext as __vite__createHotContext} from "/@vite/client"; = __vite__createHotContext("/src/components/TranslateCategoryView.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang.css");
/* unplugin-vue-components disabled */
import {updateStyle as __vite__updateStyle, removeStyle as __vite__removeStyle} from "/@vite/client"
const __vite__id = "/home/user/projects/test/frontend-admin3/src/components/TranslateCategoryView.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang.css"
const __vite__css = "n.el-table .warning-row {n  --el-table-tr-bg-color: var(--el-color-warning-light-9);n}n.el-table .success-row {n  --el-table-tr-bg-color: var(--el-color-success-light-9);n}n"
__vite__updateStyle(__vite__id, __vite__css)>__vite__removeStyle(__vite__id))

There is no error message or warning issued. I can also see that warning-row class is added to <tr>

enter image description here

But the rows do not have a warning color. In fact, the "warning-row" class is not applied because it does not exist:

enter image description here

So it was hot-loaded, but it does not exists? I don’t understand, what is happening here?

I also tried to post this example in element plus playground ( ). But unfortunately, it works perfectly there:

enter image description here

I guess the problem is on my side, but there are no error messages and no warnings, and I’m unable to find out the root cause.



  1. First of all, ensure that the root element of your table has the "el-table" class for the root element (in your example the "ep-table" prefix is used in many places instead).

    Secondly, verify that your tr elements have the appropriate styles applied to utilize the --el-table-tr-bg-color variable effectively, the variable itself does not set the styles:

    .el-table tr {
        background-color: var(--el-table-tr-bg-color);

    Custom properties (–*): CSS variables

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  2. IMG class is ep-xxx. so, like this:

    .ep-table .warning-row {
        --ep-table-tr-bg-color: var(--ep-color-warning-light-9);
    .ep-table .success-row {
        --ep-table-tr-bg-color: var(--ep-color-success-light-9);
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