I am looking to transition gradients as part of a dark mode on my website. So on click and not on hover. Also my gradients are a little more complex than two-color linear gradients that previous posts seem to cover but I will figure out new ones if something can be done to transition them on click.
radial-gradient( circle farthest-corner at -4% -12.9%, rgba(74,98,110,1) 0.3%, rgba(30,33,48,1) 90.2% )
linear-gradient( 68.4deg, rgba(248,182,204,1) 0.5%, rgba(192,198,230,1) 49%, rgba(225,246,240,1) 99.8% )
I tried basically every CSS trick from every post here but they all seem to rely on :hover
First , make sure you have a click event listener set up for the element you want to trigger the gradient transition. This can be an HTML element like a button or a link. For example, let’s assume you have a button with the ID "dark-mode-button."
In your JavaScript code , you’ll need to add an event listener to the button, like this:
Inside the event listener function , you can access the element on which you want to apply the gradient transition. Let’s assume it has the ID "gradient-element."
Now , you can modify the CSS of the "gradient-element" to transition between the gradients. Here’s an example of how you can do it:
background-image has animation type discrete, which means it will jump from the initial value to the new value (though some browsers will animate gradually between CSS keyframes, but not all).
One way round this is to gradually fade out the first background and gradually fade in the second background.
This snippet does this by adding before and after pseudo elements to the body element.
When a button is clicked it sets opacity of the before to 0 and the opacity of the after to 1. The effect is rendered gradual by the addition of a transition property – opacity is an animatable property.