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I have a website were some pages are long enough that there is a vertical scrollbar on the body, and some pages are too short to have one.

I also have a dialog boxes on my website which disable scrolling by setting overflow-y: hidden on the document element.

In order to prevent layout shifts when the dialogs are opened and the scrollbar is removed, I want to use scrollbar-gutter: stable.

However, in the cases were scrollbar gutter is applied to pages which aren`t long enough to have a scrollbar, you still get the gutter which of course causes the page look weird.

Therefore I need a way to only apply the scrollbar gutter if the page can have a scrollbar. How do I do this?



  1. You can detect it with simple JavaScript.

    if (document.body.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight) {

    But I don’t recommend you to use scrollbar-gutter since Safari does not support it.
    Instead you can try to play with width: 100vw, thats way your page will always have constant width.

    body {
        width: 100vw;
    .some-element-with-position-fixed {
        width: 100vw;
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  2. Step-by-Step Solution to Apply scrollbar-gutter Conditionally

    Step 1: Check for Scrollbar Necessity with JavaScript

    First, you need to determine if the page is long enough to require a scrollbar. You can do this by comparing the viewport height with the total height of the document’s content.

    // Add this script to your page
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
      const body = document.body;
      const isScrollbarNecessary = window.innerHeight < document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
      if (isScrollbarNecessary) {

    This script checks if the height of the content (document.documentElement.scrollHeight) exceeds the height of the viewport (window.innerHeight). If so, it means a scrollbar is necessary, and it adds a class has-scrollbar to the body.

    Step 2: Apply CSS Conditionally

    Now, use this class to apply scrollbar-gutter only when the scrollbar is needed.

    /* Add this CSS to your stylesheet */
    body.has-scrollbar {
      scrollbar-gutter: stable;

    With this CSS, the scrollbar-gutter: stable property is applied only to the body element that has the has-scrollbar class, which is added dynamically by the JavaScript only on pages that are tall enough to need a scrollbar.


    By combining this JavaScript and CSS, you can ensure that scrollbar-gutter is applied only when necessary, avoiding the weird layout issues on shorter pages.

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