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When placing a vanilla textarea and an input side by side, the textarea appears higher as shown below,

A textarea and input element side by side

Why is that so? How are their vertical alignments calculated?

Inspecting their CSS reveals both have vertical-align: baseline — where is the baseline against which they’re aligned?



  1. Well first of all, there is no <input></input> with a closing tag. That does not exist because nothing can go "inside" of that tag. There is only a self-closing <input /> tag.

    The default values (tested in Firefox) for:

    • <textarea> is vertical-align: text-bottom
    • <input> is vertical-align: baseline

    Here’s how you can find out
    enter image description here

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  2. A flexbox or a grid will help you get consistent positioning.

    input, textarea {
      font-family: sans-serif;
      font-size: 20px;
    .p1, .p2 {
      display: flex;
      gap: 2em;
    .p1 {
      align-items: start;
    .p2 {
      align-items: center;
    <p class="p1">
      <textarea>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</textarea>
      <input value="Lorem ipsum">
    <p class="p2">
      <textarea>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</textarea>
      <input value="Lorem ipsum">
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