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I am trying to convert the below code to cva..

{, index) => {
          const isActive = item.key === SOMETHING;
          return (
                  "text-white": isActive && variant === "inverted",
                  "text-stone-950": isActive && variant === "default",
                  "text-[#9b9b9b]": !isActive,
                  "hover:text-white": variant === "inverted",
                  "hover:text-stone-950": variant === "default",

I am trying this way –

const textContentCva = cva("", {
    variants: {
      variant: {
        inverted: "hover:text-white",
        default: "hover:text-stone-950",

But not sure how to pass the isActive variable.

I can create activeInverted, activeDefault variant but that doesn’t seem good.

Could anyone please tell how should I convert it to use cva?



  1. What I have understand so far is that you are trying to do as below:

    const textContentCva = cva("", {
      variants: {
        variant: {
          inverted: "hover:text-white",
          default: "hover:text-stone-950",
        state: {
          active: "",
          inactive: "text-[#9b9b9b]",
      compoundVariants: [
        { variant: "default", state: "active", class: "text-stone-950" },
        { variant: "inverted", state: "active", class: "text-white" },
    {, index) => {
      const isActive = item.key === SOMETHING;
      return (
            textContentCva({variant: variant, state: isActive ? 'active' : 'inactive' })
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  2. You could use CSS variables in CVA class names.

    We can rationalize the conditions:

    • variant changes the "accent" color.
    • isActive changes the default inactive text color #9b9b9b to the accent color.

    In CVA, you can have a boolean true variant value but not a boolean false. For the false condition, we can use the defaultVariants to apply the appropriate classes.

    const classes = cva('cursor-pointer', {
      variants: {
        variant: {
          default: '[--color:theme(colors.stone.950)]',
          inverted: '[--color:theme(colors.white)]',
        isActive: {
          'default': 'text-[#9b9b9b] hover:text-[--color]',
          true: 'text-[--color]',
      defaultVariants: {
        variant: 'default',
        isActive: 'default',
    function CVAVersion({ variant, isActive }) {
      return <div className={classes({ variant, isActive })}>...</div>;
    function CLSXVersion({ variant, isActive }) {
      return (
              "text-white": isActive && variant === "inverted",
              "text-stone-950": isActive && variant === "default",
              "text-[#9b9b9b]": !isActive,
              "hover:text-white": variant === "inverted",
              "hover:text-stone-950": variant === "default",
        <CLSXVersion variant="default"/>
        <CLSXVersion variant="default" isActive/>
        <CVAVersion variant="default"/>
        <CVAVersion variant="default" isActive/>
        <div class="bg-slate-950">
          <CLSXVersion variant="inverted" />
          <CLSXVersion variant="inverted" isActive />
          <CVAVersion variant="inverted" />
          <CVAVersion variant="inverted" isActive />
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