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I’ve been searching all day to find a way to implement different color themes. Most solutions implement this on a small scale (change the body background and text for instance). But what I’ve a large project that has different types of cards, buttons, forms, etc. Something like this won’t be enough of course:

:root {
    --body-text-clr: #232323;
    --body-bg-clr: #fff;
:root[data-theme="dark"] {
    --body-text-clr: #fff;
    --body-bg-clr: #232323;

Usually, I have a lot of colors like this:

:root {

    --clr-primary-400: somevalue;
    --clr-primary-500: somevalue;
    --clr-primary-600: somevalue;

    --clr-neutral-100: somevalue;
    --clr-neutral-200: somevalue;
    --clr-neutral-300: somevalue;
    --clr-neutral-400: somevalue;
    --clr-neutral-500: somevalue;
    --clr-neutral-600: somevalue;

and every color is used multiple times in different places. I tried to solve this in different ways but none worked. Here’s some of the methods I tried to implement:

Method 1: Leave it as it is

I thought the design was made in a way that every color in the light mode corresponds to another color in the dark mode. But it didn’t take me long until I realized this is not the case. Some elements have a shared background in a particular theme but they don’t share the same background in another theme.

Method 2: Tokens

I tried to do something like this:

:root {
    --card-text-clr: somevalue;
    --card-bg-clr: somevalue;

:root[data-theme="dark"] {
    --card-text-clr: somevalue;
    --card-bg-clr: somevalue;

I don’t have a problem that it’s a lot of work to set that up. But my problem was that I couldn’t use any utility classes to set my colors anymore (I won’t generate a utility class for a single use like this .card-bg or .card-text-clr). If I want to set the background of my card, I’d have to do it in my CSS file.

I’m looking forwards to see how you approach this problem in your projects.
I don’t have a problem if your solution includes using SASS since I use it already.



  1. 1st option: assign the relevant theme class or attr to the body. and write CSS for each component according to the relevant theme class.

    2nd option: create the color palette using variables and change the variables. color palette and variable should be designed or planned first on the design side / figma.
    for example:

           &[color-mode="light"] {
          --surface1: #e6e6e6;
          --surface2: #f2f2f2;
          --surface3: #ffffff;
          --element1: #111111;
          --element2: #222222;
          --element3: #333333;
          --elementInverse: #eee;
          --primary: #01408e;
          --secondary: #3c5d5c;
          --tertiary: #fff7d6;
          --box-shadow: 20px 20px 60px #cacaca, -20px -20px 60px #ffffff;
        &[color-mode="dark"] {
          --surface1: #262626;
          --surface2: #333333;
          --surface3: #404040;
          --element1: #eeeeee;
          --element2: #dddddd;
          --element3: #cccccc;
          --elementInverse: #111;
          --primary: #8fceff;
          --secondary: #72faca;
          --tertiary: #eee8a9;
          --box-shadow: 20px 20px 60px #1d1d1d, -20px -20px 60px #272727;

    You can use whichever is simpler.

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  2. Looks like your using tailwindcss so you should look at daisyui themes.

    Alternatively, This is what i do which is influenced by materializecss.

    /// Select five colors for the theme. 
    /// Two lights
    /// Mid
    /// Two Darks
    $theme-colors: (
        "lightest":  #FFFFFF,
        "light":  #D3D3DD,
        "bright":     #DEC2B5,
        "dark": #32422b,
        "darkest": #000000,    
    $all-themes: lightest1, lightest2, light1, light2, bright1, bright2, dark1, dark2, darkest1, darkest2;
    @function themecolor($color) {
        @if map-has-key($theme-colors, $color) {
            @return map-get($theme-colors, $color);
        @warn "Unknown `#{$color}` in $style-colors.";
        @return null;
    .lightest1 {
        color: themecolor("darkest");
        background: themecolor("lightest");
    .lightest2 {
        color: themecolor("dark");
        background: themecolor("lightest");
    .light1 {
        color: themecolor("darkest");
        background: themecolor("light");
    .light2 {
        color: themecolor("dark");
        background: themecolor("light");
    .bright1 {
        color: themecolor("bright");
        background: themecolor("darkest");
    .bright2 {
        color: themecolor("darkest");
        background: themecolor("bright");
    .dark1 {
        color: themecolor("light");
        background: themecolor("dark");
    .dark2 {
        color: themecolor("bright");
        background: themecolor("dark");
    .darkest1 {
        color: themecolor("lightest");
        background: themecolor("darkest");
    .darkest2 {
        color: themecolor("light");
        background: themecolor("darkest");

    And then for particular widgets such as buttons.

     .lightest1 .btn-themed {
        outline: 2px solid themecolor("darkest");
        color: themecolor("darkest");
        background: themecolor("lightest");
    .lightest1 .btn-themed:hover {
        color: themecolor("lightest");
        background: themecolor("darkest");
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