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I have a component that is a item in side navbar:

  class="flex gap-5 justify-left items-center text-center pl-5 group hover:cursor-pointer m-3 backdrop-blur-md"
    class="text-3xl group-hover:text-cyan-600 transition-all duration-300"
    class="text-xl font-bold group-hover:text-cyan-600 transition-all duration-300"
    {{ title }}

thats how i use the card:


and i want to style the active link; the route is recived as prop;

i tried:

  class="flex gap-5 justify-left items-center text-center pl-5 group hover:cursor-pointer m-3 backdrop-blur-md"
    class="text-3xl group-hover:text-cyan-600 transition-all duration-300"
    class="text-xl font-bold group-hover:text-cyan-600 transition-all duration-300"
    {{ title }}


.active-link {
  color: red;

but it didnt work. How to style active router link when a route is passed as prop? Also, can I style router link using tailwind css?

i read:
Active router link Angular

but it didnt help.



  1. You can pass in a route from anywhere. However, if you want Angular to apply the routerLinkActive when that route gets activated, you need to ensure that you pass in an absolute path (starts with a /) to routerLink.

    Tailwind should work file with routerLinkActive

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  2. Have you tried adding the routerLinkActiveOptions? it might be that the path matching is looking for the whole path.

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