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I have one page that has a search bar and under that bar I have 6 links that lead to some other pages. Every link is a square made of image and paragraph. I want to type something in the search bar and want to display those squares which contain word in search bar in their paragprah.

This is my code:

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import klima from '../img/klima.png'
import { Link, LinkProps } from 'react-router-dom'

function Snizenje() {

    return (
        <div className='sm:w-full sm:h-200vh sm:flex ponuda'>
            <div className='div-izdvajamo-iz-ponude flex flex-col'>

                <h1 className='izdvajamo-iz-ponude'>Izdvajamo iz ponude</h1>
                <div className='linija'></div>
                <Link to='/akcije' key='link-akcije' className='linkovi'>Akcije</Link>
                <div className='linija'></div>
                <Link to='/novosti' key='link-novosti' className='linkovi'>Novosti</Link>
                <div className='linija'></div>
                <Link to='/gaming-korner' key='link-gamingKorner' className='linkovi'>Gaming korner</Link >
                <div className='linija'></div>
                <Link to='/promocije' key='link-promocije' className='linkovi'>Promocije</Link>
                <div className='linija'></div>
                <Link to='/promocije-u-prodavnici' key='link-promocijeProdavnice' className='linkovi'>Promocije u prodavnicama</Link>
                <div className='linija'></div>

            <div className='akcija flex-col'>
                <h1 className='naslov'>Akcije</h1>
                <input type="text"
                 placeholder='Unesite pojam za pretragu' 

                const originalData =[
                    <div className='grid grid-rows-2 grid-flow-col gap-4 mt-5'>
                   <Link to='/klime' className='kvadrat'>
                       <img src={klima} alt="" className='h-40' />
                       <p className='kvadrat-p'>Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE</p>

                   <a href='' className='kvadrat'>
                       <img src={klima} alt="" className='h-40' />
                       <p className='kvadrat-p'>Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE</p>

                   <a href='' className='kvadrat'>
                       <img src={klima} alt="" className='h-40' />
                       <p className='kvadrat-p'>Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE</p>

                   <a href='' className='kvadrat'>
                       <img src={klima} alt="" className='h-40' />
                       <p className='kvadrat-p'>Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE</p>

                   <a href='' className='kvadrat'>
                       <img src={klima} alt="" className='h-40' />
                       <p className='kvadrat-p'>Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE</p>

                   <a href='' className='kvadrat'>
                       <img src={klima} alt="" className='h-40' />
                       <p className='kvadrat-p'>Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE</p>



export default Snizenje

also, I dont have button so I would have to press Enter to search

I have tried something like this but I keep getting errors about originalData that I can’t use in useState or Argument of type ‘Element[]’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘SetStateAction<never[]>’



  1. You need to initilise useState first like so :

    const [data, setData] = useState([]); // Initial empty array

    And move the originalData definition outside of the return statement and converted it into an array of objects, where each object represents a piece of data with properties like link, imgSrc, and text.

    Like so :

    `useEffect(() => {    // Set the originalData as the initial state for the data variable
    }, []);`

    Try this example :

    function Snizenje() {
      const [data, setData] = useState([]); // Initialize an empty array as the initial state
      // Define the originalData separately as an array of objects
      const originalData = [
          link: '/klime',
          imgSrc: klima,
          text: 'Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE',
          link: '',
          imgSrc: klima,
          text: 'Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE',
        // Add more objects as needed
      useEffect(() => {
        // Set the originalData as the initial state for the data variable
      }, []);
      // Rest of your JSX code...
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  2. for your specific use case , i am using the example given by @sb can filter text with the following text you have searched and then map. checkout the code snippet below

    function Snizenje() {
      const [data, setData] = useState([]); // Initialize an empty array as the initial state
       const[searchItem,setSearchItem] = useState("") //string you will search 
      // Define the originalData separately as an array of objects
      const originalData = [
          link: '/klime',
          imgSrc: klima,
          text: 'Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE',
          link: '',
          imgSrc: klima,
          text: 'Super ponuda klima uređaja - GREE',
        // Add more objects as needed
      useEffect(() => {
        // Set the originalData as the initial state for the data variable
      }, []);
      // Rest of your JSX code...
       return (
            <input onChange={(e) => setSearchItem(}/>
    //filter the text that you searched and map the array
    {data.filter(item => item?.text?.includes(searchItem)).map((item) => {
                return (
                   {// your JSX}
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