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I’m trying to find an elegant solution to styling a child element, when it has the same class as the parent element.

I suspect Javascript will be required to make this work, although I’ve also explored ways to do it with SASS variables, without success.

My HTML structure looks like this:

<div class="film parent">
  <div class="film child">

Currently I am writing out all of the possible options in a long css command like:

.film .film,
.music .music,
.art .art {
  color: red;


This isn’t ideal, as new class names will appear in here over time, and I’d like a catch-all style to account for those.



  1. Here you can use CSS Selectors to style the parent and child tag easily

    You can use :first-child selector to select the first child of the tag


    here it will select the first child of the tag with a class film and will change the colour to red

    You can read more about CSS Selector

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  2. I think I would actually go down the jss route at this point. Though,there is a simple js way too.

    Absolutely! JSS (JavaScript styles) is another solution to this problem. It gives you the power of JavaScript to generate and manage styles, so you can dynamically create styles based on conditions and data.

    Here’s a basic example of how you might tackle this issue with JSS:

    1. First, you would set up JSS. Typically, you’d do this by adding the required libraries:

       npm install jss jss-preset-default
    2. Create and apply the styles ( I would research more still):

       import { create } from 'jss';
       import preset from 'jss-preset-default';
       // Setup JSS
       const jss = create();
       // Dynamic style function
       const styleChildWithParentClass = (className) => {
         const styles = {
           [`.${className} .${className}`]: {
             color: 'red'
         const { classes } = jss.createStyleSheet(styles).attach();
         return classes[className];

      // Apply the style
      const dynamicClass = styleChildWithParentClass(‘film’);

    3. In your HTML, you’d then add the dynamicClass to your elements:

      <div class="film">
        <div class="film">

    I think, on a large scale project I would look into JSS more deeply and setup the project in a "real" way.

    But ye, without JSS, this makes me sick, however there is nothing wrong with it expect the fact you’re selecting every single element on the page…. :thumbs_up: So really you should change this document.querySelectorAll('*') to be more targeting e.g document.querySelectorAll(‘.where_dynamic_styles_happen’)

    document.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(el => {
      const parent = el.parentElement;
      if (parent && parent.classList.contains(el.className)) {
    .same-class-as-parent {
      color: red;
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