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Im working on a small game where a ball moves over the screen, using = Math.random() and the same with style.left. However, when I specify the transition duration, at first it accelerates really quickly, and then moves to the specified place, and then really slowly slows down. I want the speed of the ball be the same throughout the whole movement.

Any ideas? Im looking for some sort of property to achieve this



  1. It sounds like you’re asking about transition timing functions. Changing which function you use will change the timing curve (slow to fast, fast to slow, etc).

    You’re probably going to want the linear function, since that has a constant rate of change.

    Here’s the Mozilla documentation on it:

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  2. Example 1

    In this example, the ball changes directions whenever it hits the border of the screen (Check the comments).

    var ball = document.getElementById("ball");
    var frameRate = 60;
    // Set the initial position of the ball
    var currentTop = Math.random() * (window.innerHeight - ball.offsetHeight);
    var currentLeft = Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - ball.offsetWidth); = currentTop + "px"; = currentLeft + "px";
    // Set the initial direction and speed of the ball
    var directionX = 1; // 1 for right, -1 for left
    var directionY = 1; // 1 for down, -1 for up
    var speedX = 2; // Adjust the speed as desired
    var speedY = 2; // Adjust the speed as desired
    const updateBallPosition = () => {
      // Calculate the new position of the ball
      var newTop = currentTop + speedY * directionY;
      var newLeft = currentLeft + speedX * directionX;
      // Check if the ball hits the screen boundaries
      var maxHeight = window.innerHeight - ball.offsetHeight;
      var maxWidth = window.innerWidth - ball.offsetWidth;
      // Reverse the direction if the ball hits the top/bottom or left/right
      newTop < 0 || newTop > maxHeight ? directionY *= -1 : newLeft < 0 || newLeft > maxWidth ? directionX *= -1 : "";
      // Update the position of the ball = newTop + "px"; = newLeft + "px";
      // Update the current position
      currentTop = newTop;
      currentLeft = newLeft;
      // Call the next frame
    // Start the animation
    #ball {
      position: absolute;
      width: 50px;
      height: 50px;
      border-radius: 50%;
      background-color: #ff6384;
      box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    <div id="ball"></div>

    Example 2

    In this example, the ball’s movement is restricted within the screen, changing direction randomly. When the ball reaches the top or bottom of the screen, the direction along the Y-axis is reversed. Similarly, when the ball reaches the left or right edge of the screen, the direction along the X-axis is reversed (Check the comments).

    var ball = document.getElementById("ball");
    var frameRate = 60; 
    var changeDirectionInterval = 2000; 
    var minSpeed = 0.5; // Adjust the minimum speed
    var maxSpeed = 3; // Adjust the maximum speed
    // Set the initial position of the ball
    var currentTop = Math.random() * (window.innerHeight - ball.offsetHeight);
    var currentLeft = Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - ball.offsetWidth); = currentTop + "px"; = currentLeft + "px";
    // Set the initial direction and speed of the ball
    var directionX = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1; // Randomly set initial X direction
    var directionY = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1; // Randomly set initial Y direction
    var speedX = Math.random() * (maxSpeed - minSpeed) + minSpeed;
    var speedY = Math.random() * (maxSpeed - minSpeed) + minSpeed;
    const updateBallPosition = () => {
      // Calculate the new position of the ball
      var newTop = currentTop + speedY * directionY;
      var newLeft = currentLeft + speedX * directionX;
      // Check if the ball hits the screen boundaries
      var maxHeight = window.innerHeight - ball.offsetHeight;
      var maxWidth = window.innerWidth - ball.offsetWidth;
      // Check if the ball is going out of bounds along the Y-axis
      if (newTop < 0) {
        directionY = 1; // Reverse the direction upward
        newTop = 0; // Keep the ball within the top boundary
      } else if (newTop > maxHeight) {
        directionY = -1; // Reverse the direction downward
        newTop = maxHeight; // Keep the ball within the bottom boundary
      // Check if the ball is going out of bounds along the X-axis
      if (newLeft < 0) {
        directionX = 1; // Reverse the direction towards the right
        newLeft = 0; // Keep the ball within the left boundary
      } else if (newLeft > maxWidth) {
        directionX = -1; // Reverse the direction towards the left
        newLeft = maxWidth; // Keep the ball within the right boundary
      // Update the position of the ball = newTop + "px"; = newLeft + "px";
      // Check if it's time to change direction
      if (Math.random() < frameRate / changeDirectionInterval) {
        // Randomly change direction along the X-axis
        directionX = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
        // Randomly change direction along the Y-axis
        directionY = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
      // Update the current position
      currentTop = newTop;
      currentLeft = newLeft;
      // Call the next frame
    // Start the animation
    #ball {
      position: absolute;
      width: 50px;
      height: 50px;
      border-radius: 50%;
      background-color: #ff6384;
      box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    <div id="ball"></div>
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