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I have a situation similar to this:

On first page of a website

<div class="div1">

 <div class="child"> </div>

<div class = "div2">

On some other pages:

<div class="div1">

<div class="child"> </div>
<div class="child"> </div>
<div class="child"> </div>

<div class = "div2">

Basically, I want to hide div2 only for a div that has only one child.

I can use only CSS.

Is it possible to target only that specific one child div and hide "div2" using only CSS?


What I recall is that I tried doing something similar in the past for div that had 6 children.

(changing width)

/* six items */
div.answer:first-child:nth-last-child(6) ~ div {
width: calc(50% - 14px) !important;

The trick was that we influence the first child and all of its siblings when the first child was also the sixth child from the end.



  1. you can use :has() Pseudo Class for this effect.

    .div1:has( .child:only-child ) + div2 {
        display: none;

    For more study about :has pseudo class, you can use this link.

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  2. As of today there is

    No all browser supported method for this

    Firefox still doesn’t natively supports :has() by default. (not recommended)

    For this to actually work, you will have to modify your HTML a little.
    All you will have to do is to make the .div2 a child of .div1 and then this css should do the trick:

    .child + .div2:not(.child + .child + .div2){
    background-color: pink;

    It selects a .div2 class which is a sibling of .child class but not is a sibling of .child class which is a sibling of another .child class.

    This simplifies to selecting a .div2 class with only one .child class.

    Code snippet:

    .child + .div2:not(.child + .child + .div2){
      background-color: pink;
    <div class="div1">
      <div class="child">first</div>
      <div class="child">second</div>
      <div class="child">third</div>
      <div class="div2">div2</div>
    <div class="div1">
      <div class="child">first</div>
      <div class="div2">div2</div>
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