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So I am trying to add an opacity to a background color but the specific background color I am using is coming from the fluent UI library, thus using Design Tokens.

I know normally, I can add opacity to a background color like this

background-color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"

But in my application the background color is set as follows

import tokens from "fluent ui library here"

export const useStyles = makeStyles({
backgroundColor: tokens.colorNeutralBackground2

Does anyone know how I can add opacity to this attribute while using the design token?



  1. assuming colorNeutralBackground2 is a string you can try this:

    export const useStyles = makeStyles({
      backgroundColor: `rgba(${tokens.colorNeutralBackground2}, 0.5)`,
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  2. I don’t know does it works, but how about using

    export const useStyles = makeStyles({
      backgroundColor: `${tokens.colorNeutralBackground2}${percent}`

    like :
    #000000/00 <- transparent
    #000000/90 <-opacity 0.9

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