The line looks like this: grid-template-rows: auto 1fr;
When searching all of the docs and also when using css to tailwind converted I could not find the solution.
The line looks like this: grid-template-rows: auto 1fr;
When searching all of the docs and also when using css to tailwind converted I could not find the solution.
To achieve the same result without extending Tailwind CSS like mentioned here
We have to move from defining grid size explicitly like so
grid grid-template-rows: auto 1fr;
and instead defined like thisgrid-auto-rows: auto 1fr;
In order to achieve that using Tailwind you have to use the following class name on the parent:
Can you try
grid grid-rows-auto-1fr
?Can you try something like
grid grid-flow-row auto-rows-[1fr]
The documentation gives a example with this code for arbitary values
grid grid-flow-row auto-rows-[minmax(0,_2fr)]
You can also try to custom a theme in tailwind.config.js.
Here is an example on how its done:
You can also try: