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I take a photo of sunset and I like such gredient effects from sky to highlight sunset, is there any way to simulate such effect using css? I want to erase those buildings then use it as my webpage background.

I have tried background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, rgba(96,98,139,1), rgba(230,202,224,0.8),rgba(254,255,241,0.5));, but it’s not ideal



  1. This will work for this background:

    background: linear-gradient(to bottom left, #5f618a, #776f94, #ad9db8, #fef7ef);

    Make sure that their is some content in web-page.

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  2. You can go to to search what you want, like center gradiant (good for the sun on the photo), or with linear gradiants, you can choose the angle and so on.
    Put this on the background and you will be good

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