I am working with React and CSS. I wanted to set "background-color":"yellow" on selector 2 (tr#selector2), if selector 1 (div.selector1) is having "show" class:
And wanted to set "background-color":"red" on selector 2 (tr#selector2), if selector 1 (div.selector1) is having "hide" class-
Note: Selector 1 and Selector 2 both are not siblings. Both are dynamic elements in html.
<div class="selector1"></div>
<div class="div2">
<div class="div3"></div>
<div class="div4"></div>
<div class="div5">
<div class="div6"></div>
<div class="div7"></div>
<div class="div8">
<tr class="selector2"></tr>
If the structure is as shown it in terms of the juxtaposition of selector1 and div2 then you can select using the adjacent sibling combinator (+):
If the structure is more general, in that selector1 and div2 are not in any sort of relationship (but selector2 is still within div2) then you can select using :has on some parent of selector1 and div2. This snippet uses body for that:
I would suggest some restructuring to make things much more convenient and extendable. You probably switch the classes based on a condition or something. What ever that thing is you can put in your react state and then programmatically switch classes like: