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Hi I am having the following issue:

"at-rule or selector expected whilst defining CSS colors."

I am using VS code and I have checked the CSS at

I dont know what the issue is here!



    /* Color Variables */
$red: red;
$green: green;
$orange: orange;
$blue: blue;
$purple: purple;
$white: white;
$black: black;
$bg: /* #eff3f6 */ #e3e5e6;
$darkgray-blue: #354052;
$lightgray-blue: #7f8fa4;

/* Styles */
body {
  background: $bg;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  letter-spacing: 1px;

.text-red {color: $red !important;}
.text-green {color: $green !important;}
.text-orange {color: $orange !important;}
.text-blue {color: $blue !important;}

/* buttons */
.btn-red {
  background: $red;
  color: $white;
  font-size: xx-small;
  &:hover, &:focus {
    background: darken($red, 8%);
    color: white;



  1. The CSS validator seems to have some kind of bug. If you remove either the spaces before the /* Color Variables */ comment or the comment itself, it will show you errors – as it should, because this isn’t CSS.

    You’re using Sass variables, rule syntax, and functions. You should name your file style.scss instead of style.css to indicate your intent to most tools, and if you haven’t configured a Sass build, you’ll need to do that. How specifically depends on the rest of your tooling, but one way or another, there’ll be a plugin (e.g. sass-loader for webpack).

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  2. If you ask about css variables use:

     --color-red: red;
      color: var(--color-red);

    If you ask about scss(sass) variables, try to use interpolation:

    $red: red;
      color: #{$red};

    Read about interpolation

    But i think problem that you use scss inside css file

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