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The div I need to develop is this:
enter image description here

The code I wrote for that is:

    flex justify-center items-center rounded-[16px] max-w-16 max-h-16 min-w-16 min-h-16 bg-gray-700 shadow-card-a'
    <Image src={DeltaTestLogoIcon} alt='logo of delta test icon' />

This was inspired from exmaxx’s comment here at: How to use tailwind gradient utilities with multiple gradients?

I am following the exact same specifications as in Figma but am unable to replicate the same design. Can anyone please help?



  1. There’s some grammar fault in your code, and I think black layer needs add some transparency, to show white layer.

    Try [background-image:linear-gradient(to_bottom,_#062142aa_25%,_#212639aa_100%),_linear-gradient(to_bottom,_#ffffff_0%,_#ffffff_24%,_#212639_100%)]

    Here’s the effect drawing

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  2. Several things:

    • You can use a bg-[] arbitrary value class instead of a full arbitrary property class.
    • You seem to have misinterpreted the percentage display in Figma. They should not be gradient color stop locations but rather the color stops’ alpha channels.
    • The order of the declared gradients is wrong in the CSS.

    Here it is with all those points fixed:

    <script src=""></script>
      flex justify-center items-center rounded-[16px] max-w-16 max-h-16 min-w-16 min-h-16 bg-gray-700 shadow-card-a'
      <img src='' alt='logo of delta test icon' />
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