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I have configured a shared private namespace in dovecot so that, via ACLs, users can access other users’ mailboxes.

I set up a quota for each user and this also works well. The quota is monitored and new messages are denied if the quota is exceeded.

There is one problem though: apparently dovecot treats shared mailboxes in relation to the current user’s quota, it does not consider (as would be appropriate) the shared mailbox owner’s quota.

I will try to explain better with a couple of examples.


Consider the following case:

  • user1 has a quota of 1MB, totally available
  • user2 has a quota of 10MB, totally available
  • user1 shares the "Sales" mailbox with user2
  • user2 copies a 500KB message to the shared "Sales" mailbox
  • user1’s quota will be correctly deducted by 500KB, thus resulting in 0.5MB available

At this point, however, let’s try another operation:

  • user2 copies an 800KB message to the shared "Sales" mailbox.

The server should return error because this way user1 exceeds the allocated quota of 1MB (500KB + 800KB), but instead the copy operation succeeds.

This happens because at the time of the copy operation, dovecot considers the quota limit of user2 instead of considering the quota limit of user1.


Let us consider another case, performing the same operations but where the user quota limits are reversed (user1 has a larger quota than user2):

  • user1 has a quota of 10MB, totally available
  • user2 has a quota of 1MB, totally available
  • user1 shares the "Sales" mailbox with user2
  • user2 copies a 500KB message to the shared mailbox "Sales"

The operation fails by overquota, because again dovecot considers user2’s quota limit instead of considering user1’s quota limit. Therefore, it is as if user2, with a 1MB limit, tries to write to a "larger" area (10MB).

As a counterevidence, setting user1 and user2 with the same quota limit, the operation succeeds perfectly.


I guess it is a configuration problem with my dovecot.
Can anyone tell me how to solve it?

Below I attach the output of dovecot -n

# (9b53102964): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# Pigeonhole version 0.5.19 (4eae2f79)
# OS: Linux 6.1.0-16-cloud-arm64 aarch64 Debian 12.4 

auth_master_user_separator = *
auth_mechanisms = PLAIN LOGIN
default_client_limit = 7168
default_process_limit = 1024
deliver_log_format = from=%{from}, envelope_sender=%{from_envelope}, subject=%{subject}, msgid=%m, size=%{size}, delivery_time=%{delivery_time}ms, %$
dict {
  acl = mysql:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-acl-sql.conf.ext
first_valid_uid = 2000
last_valid_uid = 2000
listen = * [::]
login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c %k session=<%{session}>
mail_gid = 2000
mail_location = maildir:%Lh:INDEX=%Lh
mail_plugins = quota mailbox_alias acl mail_log notify
mail_uid = 2000
managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart extracttext editheader
metric {
  filter = event=imap_command_finished
  metric_name = imap_command
namespace {
  inbox = yes
  location = 
  mailbox {
    auto = no
    special_use = Archive
    name = Archive
  mailbox {
    auto = no
    special_use = Archive
    name = Archives
  mailbox {
    auto = no
    special_use = Trash
    name = Deleted Messages
  mailbox {
    auto = subscribe
    special_use = Drafts
    name = Drafts
  mailbox {
    auto = subscribe
    special_use = Junk
    name = Junk
  mailbox {
    auto = no
    special_use = Junk
    name = Junk E-mail
  mailbox {
    auto = subscribe
    special_use = Sent
    name = Sent
  mailbox {
    auto = no
    special_use = Sent
    name = Sent Items
  mailbox {
    auto = no
    special_use = Sent
    name = Sent Messages
  mailbox {
    auto = no
    special_use = Junk
    name = Spam
  mailbox {
    auto = subscribe
    special_use = Trash
    name = Trash
  prefix = 
  separator = /
  type = private
  name = 
namespace {
  list = children
  location = maildir:%%Lh:INDEXPVT=%%Lh/Shared/%{auth_user}
  prefix = Shared/%%u/
  separator = /
  subscriptions = yes
  type = shared
  name = 
passdb {
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext
  driver = sql
passdb {
  args = /etc/dovecot/master-users
  driver = passwd-file
  master = yes
  result_success = continue
plugin {
  acl = vfile:/etc/dovecot/dovecot-acl
  acl_shared_dict = proxy::acl
  mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_create mailbox_delete mailbox_rename
  mail_log_fields = uid box msgid size from subject flags
  quota = maildir:User quota
  quota_rule = *:storage=1G
  quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=+100M
  quota_status_nouser = DUNNO
  quota_status_overquota = 552 5.2.2 Mailbox is full
  quota_status_success = DUNNO
  quota_warning = storage=95%% quota-warning 95 %u
  quota_warning2 = storage=80%% quota-warning 80 %u
  sieve = file:/home/vmail/%d/sieve/%n/;active=/home/vmail/%d/sieve/%n/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_before = /home/vmail/sieve/sievebefore1
  sieve_editheader_forbid_add = X-Verified
  sieve_editheader_forbid_delete = X-Verified X-Seen
  sieve_editheader_max_header_size = 1k
  sieve_extensions = +editheader
  sieve_global_dir = /home/vmail/sieve
  sieve_max_redirects = 30
  sieve_vacation_default_period = 1d
  sieve_vacation_min_period = 0
  sieve_vacation_send_from_recipient = yes
protocols = pop3 imap sieve lmtp
service replication-notify-fifo {
  name = aggregator
service anvil-auth-penalty {
  name = anvil
service auth-worker {
  name = auth-worker
service {
  unix_listener {
    group = postfix
    mode = 0666
    user = postfix
    path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth
  unix_listener {
    group = vmail
    mode = 0660
    user = vmail
    path = auth-userdb
  name = auth
service config {
  name = config
service dict-async {
  name = dict-async
service {
  unix_listener {
    group = vmail
    mode = 0660
    user = vmail
    path = dict
  name = dict
service login/proxy-notify {
  name = director
service dns-client {
  name = dns-client
service doveadm-server {
  name = doveadm
service imap-hibernate {
  name = imap-hibernate
service imap {
  process_min_avail = 8
  service_count = 0
  vsz_limit = 1 G
  name = imap-login
service imap-urlauth {
  name = imap-urlauth-login
service imap-urlauth-worker {
  name = imap-urlauth-worker
service token-login/imap-urlauth {
  name = imap-urlauth
service {
  process_limit = 2048
  name = imap
service indexer-worker {
  name = indexer-worker
service indexer {
  name = indexer
service ipc {
  name = ipc
service {
  unix_listener {
    group = postfix
    mode = 0666
    user = postfix
    path = /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp
  name = lmtp
service log-errors {
  name = log
service {
  inet_listener {
    port = 4190
    name = sieve
  name = managesieve-login
service login/sieve {
  name = managesieve
service old-stats-mail {
  name = old-stats
service pop3 {
  service_count = 0
  name = pop3-login
service login/pop3 {
  name = pop3
service {
  executable = script /opt/scripts/dovecot/
  unix_listener {
    group = vmail
    mode = 0660
    user = vmail
    path = quota-warning
  name = quota-warning
service replicator-doveadm {
  name = replicator
service login/stats-writer {
  unix_listener {
    group = vmail
    mode = 0660
    user = vmail
    path = stats-reader
  unix_listener {
    group = vmail
    mode = 0660
    user = vmail
    path = stats-writer
  name = stats
service submission {
  name = submission-login
service login/submission {
  name = submission
ssl = required
ssl_cert = </etc/letsencrypt/live/
ssl_dh = # hidden, use -P to show it
ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes
userdb {
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext
  driver = sql
protocol lda {
  lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes
  lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
  mail_plugins = quota mailbox_alias acl mail_log notify sieve
  service replication-notify-fifo {
    name = aggregator
  service anvil-auth-penalty {
    name = anvil
  service auth-worker {
    name = auth-worker
  service auth-client {
    name = auth
  service config {
    name = config
  service dict-async {
    name = dict-async
  service dict {
    name = dict
  service login/proxy-notify {
    name = director
  service dns-client {
    name = dns-client
  service doveadm-server {
    name = doveadm
  service imap-hibernate {
    name = imap-hibernate
  service imap {
    name = imap-login
  service imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth-login
  service imap-urlauth-worker {
    name = imap-urlauth-worker
  service token-login/imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth
  service imap-master {
    name = imap
  service indexer-worker {
    name = indexer-worker
  service indexer {
    name = indexer
  service ipc {
    name = ipc
  service lmtp {
    name = lmtp
  service log-errors {
    name = log
  service sieve {
    name = managesieve-login
  service login/sieve {
    name = managesieve
  service old-stats-mail {
    name = old-stats
  service pop3 {
    name = pop3-login
  service login/pop3 {
    name = pop3
  service replicator-doveadm {
    name = replicator
  service login/stats-writer {
    name = stats
  service submission {
    name = submission-login
  service login/submission {
    name = submission
protocol lmtp {
  mail_plugins = quota mailbox_alias acl mail_log notify sieve
  postmaster_address = [email protected]
  recipient_delimiter = +
  service replication-notify-fifo {
    name = aggregator
  service anvil-auth-penalty {
    name = anvil
  service auth-worker {
    name = auth-worker
  service auth-client {
    name = auth
  service config {
    name = config
  service dict-async {
    name = dict-async
  service dict {
    name = dict
  service login/proxy-notify {
    name = director
  service dns-client {
    name = dns-client
  service doveadm-server {
    name = doveadm
  service imap-hibernate {
    name = imap-hibernate
  service imap {
    name = imap-login
  service imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth-login
  service imap-urlauth-worker {
    name = imap-urlauth-worker
  service token-login/imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth
  service imap-master {
    name = imap
  service indexer-worker {
    name = indexer-worker
  service indexer {
    name = indexer
  service ipc {
    name = ipc
  service lmtp {
    name = lmtp
  service log-errors {
    name = log
  service sieve {
    name = managesieve-login
  service login/sieve {
    name = managesieve
  service old-stats-mail {
    name = old-stats
  service pop3 {
    name = pop3-login
  service login/pop3 {
    name = pop3
  service replicator-doveadm {
    name = replicator
  service login/stats-writer {
    name = stats
  service submission {
    name = submission-login
  service login/submission {
    name = submission
protocol imap {
  imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep
  mail_max_userip_connections = 256
  mail_plugins = quota mailbox_alias acl mail_log notify imap_quota imap_acl
  service replication-notify-fifo {
    name = aggregator
  service anvil-auth-penalty {
    name = anvil
  service auth-worker {
    name = auth-worker
  service auth-client {
    name = auth
  service config {
    name = config
  service dict-async {
    name = dict-async
  service dict {
    name = dict
  service login/proxy-notify {
    name = director
  service dns-client {
    name = dns-client
  service doveadm-server {
    name = doveadm
  service imap-hibernate {
    name = imap-hibernate
  service imap {
    name = imap-login
  service imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth-login
  service imap-urlauth-worker {
    name = imap-urlauth-worker
  service token-login/imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth
  service imap-master {
    name = imap
  service indexer-worker {
    name = indexer-worker
  service indexer {
    name = indexer
  service ipc {
    name = ipc
  service lmtp {
    name = lmtp
  service log-errors {
    name = log
  service sieve {
    name = managesieve-login
  service login/sieve {
    name = managesieve
  service old-stats-mail {
    name = old-stats
  service pop3 {
    name = pop3-login
  service login/pop3 {
    name = pop3
  service replicator-doveadm {
    name = replicator
  service login/stats-writer {
    name = stats
  service submission {
    name = submission-login
  service login/submission {
    name = submission
protocol pop3 {
  mail_max_userip_connections = 30
  mail_plugins = quota mailbox_alias acl mail_log notify
  pop3_client_workarounds = outlook-no-nuls oe-ns-eoh
  pop3_uidl_format = %08Xu%08Xv
  service replication-notify-fifo {
    name = aggregator
  service anvil-auth-penalty {
    name = anvil
  service auth-worker {
    name = auth-worker
  service auth-client {
    name = auth
  service config {
    name = config
  service dict-async {
    name = dict-async
  service dict {
    name = dict
  service login/proxy-notify {
    name = director
  service dns-client {
    name = dns-client
  service doveadm-server {
    name = doveadm
  service imap-hibernate {
    name = imap-hibernate
  service imap {
    name = imap-login
  service imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth-login
  service imap-urlauth-worker {
    name = imap-urlauth-worker
  service token-login/imap-urlauth {
    name = imap-urlauth
  service imap-master {
    name = imap
  service indexer-worker {
    name = indexer-worker
  service indexer {
    name = indexer
  service ipc {
    name = ipc
  service lmtp {
    name = lmtp
  service log-errors {
    name = log
  service sieve {
    name = managesieve-login
  service login/sieve {
    name = managesieve
  service old-stats-mail {
    name = old-stats
  service pop3 {
    name = pop3-login
  service login/pop3 {
    name = pop3
  service replicator-doveadm {
    name = replicator
  service login/stats-writer {
    name = stats
  service submission {
    name = submission-login
  service login/submission {
    name = submission



  1. It seems a physic limit on dovecot structure:

    Quota and Shared Namespaces

    Quota plugin considers shared namespaces against owner’s quota, not
    the current user’s. There is a limitation that per-user quota
    configuration is ignored, and the current user’s configuration is

    Public namespaces are ignored unless there is explicit quota specified
    for it

    Have you tried to use different quota check on specific namespace?

    Login or Signup to reply.
  2. As Alessio wrote, it is indeed possible to set separate quotas on namespaces. However, as you mentioned yourself, shared mailboxes belong to other people (owners) and the quota set for the owner on that mailbox should be enforced. What misses in Dovecot, is sharing this data over IMAP. Quite some time ago, I stumbled upon this problem myself, but I had not discussed the issue with the Dovecot developers nor did I write a patch for it myself.

    In the Dovecot source code, requesting other people’s quota is disallowed explicitly as per the imap-quota plugin (

        if (ns->owner != NULL && ns->owner != client->user) {
            client_send_tagline(cmd, "NO Not showing other users' quota.");
            return TRUE;

    Funnily enough, the commit disallowing the use of other users’ quota has message "Quote works now properly with shared mailboxes." See

    This also leads me to the code referring quota enforcement to the quota of the owner following that commit (

            /* register to owner's quota roots */
            quota = quota_get_mail_user_quota(storage->ns->owner);

    Later on, this code has been changed to check for quota enforcement on the source

    Following your example, it seems that that is not working correctly. This might be by design, though. I suspect that setting the same quota settings on the shared namespace ( would make it work, as then the owner’s quota is checked against the shared namespace (instead of the namespace the mailbox shows up in on their end). This issue would probably be worth sending an e-mail to the user maillist [email protected]. Please let us know whether that brings you to a solution to your issue.

    Login or Signup to reply.
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