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I have deployed postgresql instance in k8s using helm and creating a database using values.yaml. Now How to create table.

      # Added below credentials for testing
      postgresPassword: "postgresqladmin"
      username: "admin"
      password: "admin"
      database: "postgresqlDB"
  postgresql: 5432
  repository: bitnami/postgresql
  tag: 15.4.0-debian-11-r10
  digest: ""
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  debug: false

Here is the command to install:

helm upgrade --install postgresql -f values.yaml bitnami/postgresql

And here is the command to access db(I am using suggested command after install)

kubectl run postgresql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image bitnami/postgresql --env="admin" --command -- psql --host postgresql -U admin -d postgresqlDB -p 5432



  1. You have two options.

    1. Access container

    You can access to your database after it has been mounted like this, and then execute your sql script.

    kubectl run -it –rm –image=bitnami/postgresql:15.4.0-debian-11-r10 –restart=Never postgresql-client — psql -h postgresql -U admin -d postgresqlDB

    2. Include a script to your deployment :

    You create an SQL script that create your table myscript.sql :

    CREATE TABLE my_table (
        id serial PRIMARY KEY,
        field VARCHAR(255)

    Create a ConfigMap, a YAML file (e.g., configmap-create-my-table.yaml) with the following content:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: create-my-table-configmap
      create_table.sql: |
        -- create_table.sql
        CREATE TABLE my_table (
           id serial PRIMARY KEY,
           field VARCHAR(255)

    Apply this to your cluster
    kubectl apply -f configmap-create-table.yaml

    Adapt your helm chart :

        - name: create-my-table-configmap
          mountPath: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
          readOnly: true
        - name: create-my-table-configmap
            name: create-my-table-configmap

    And then upgrade it :

    helm upgrade --install postgresql -f values.yaml bitnami/postgresql

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  2. In order to create table after you have created database using values.yaml, try these steps;

    First you have to connect to postgreSQL using client:

    kubectl run -it --rm --image=bitnami/postgresql:15.4.0-debian-11-r10 --namespace=YOUR_NAMESPACE postgresql-client -- bash

    Now connect to your database inside the postgreSQL client pod;

    psql -h postgresql -U admin -d postgresqlDB

    NOw using simple SQL Commands, you can create tables;

    CREATE TABLE my_table (
        id serial PRIMARY KEY,
        name VARCHAR (255),
        age INT

    After successfully creating the tables, you can exit the PostgreSQL client using;


    Hope it works:)

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  3. once you start the database using –

    kubectl run postgresql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image bitnami/postgresql -- bash

    You’d need to connect to the instance via –

    psql -h postgresql -U <your-username> -d <your-database>

    You will be prompted for your password, which you specified in your values.yaml file (in your case, it’s "postgresqladmin").

    After this, you’ll see the cursor change to postgresql / the username you specified, this indicates that you can now access the database using query language.

    To create a table from here on, you can simply type in

    CREATE TABLE example (
        col1 serial PRIMARY KEY,
        col2 INT,
        col3 BOOLEAN

    and it will create these columns with the specified data types and the primary key. You can exit the client using q and exit the container futher using exit.

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