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M1,M2,M3 are 3 machines running Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
recently (june2024) .

After apt update & upgrade
M1 & M2 are MariaDB nodes Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.18-MariaDB
and. M3 is arbitrator using galera-arbitrator-4 Ver 4.11.r

The problem is M3 because garbd joins the cluster (/var/log/syslog), but after 2s fails with
FATAL: ./gcs/src/gcs_group.cpp:group_check_proto_ver():329: Group requested gcs_proto_ver: 3, max supported by this node: 2.Upgrade the node before joining this group.Need to abort.

I didn’t found any config for garbd to set gcs_proto_ver in /etc/defaults/garbd
or a source for galera-arbitrator to change code and recompile

Hopefully there is someone there with an elegant solution to avoid installing MariaDB as 3rd node on M3.




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    got it !!!

    for gcs_proto_ver:3 the garbd 4.18 is needed so:

    apt remove galera-4 galera-arbitrator-4  #cleaning

    since Debian repositorie is not updated navigate to galeracluster sourcess

    cd /tmp
    # --- get packages ---
    # --- install ----
    apt install ./galera-4_26.4.18+1bullseye_amd64.deb
    apt install ./galera-arbitrator-4_26.4.18+1bullseye_amd64.deb
    # --- if any warning reports about dependencies ---
    apt install --fix-broken

    assuming the sevice is still enabled (else systemctl enable garbd) and cluster config exists (else nano /etc/default/garb) just:

    systemctl start garbd # iupi :)))# 

  2. using the default repo’s from ubuntu, you will install an old version of arbitrator.

    Update your sources regarding to this site:

    After that, run

    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade

    it will fetch the newest packages.

    If you did not have arbitrator installed yet, install it:

    apt-get install galera-4 galera-arbitrator-4


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