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I have a sequence of folders containing mp4 files (one mp4 in one folder).
Folders are numbered sequentially like this example:

.. ..
18. Lesson 18 - Sketching a design to cut out
19. Lesson 19 - How to create a sweep
.. ..

the .mp4 files inside these folders are named, respectively:

.. ..
1. Sketching a design to cut out.mp4
1. Creating a sweep.mp4
.. ...

So all .mp4 file names start with "1." regardless of the folder name.
I want to rename all mp4 files with an ascending prefix taken from the folder number, i.e.

18. Sketching a design to cut out.mp4
19. Creating a sweep.mp4
.. ..

for this I want to use the following bash script:

for f in *.mp4; do mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed s/1./MYNUMBER/)"; done

How to specify a sequential prefix taken from folder names instead of ‘MYNUMBER’? Folder names and filenames both include whitespace. Possibly, there is another way though.



  1. Using Perl’s rename (usable in any OS):


    ├── 18. Lesson 18 - Sketching a design to cut out
    │   └── 1. Sketching a design to cut out.mp4
    └── 19. Lesson 19 - How to create a sweep
        └── 1. Creating a sweep.mp4
    2 directories, 2 files


    rename -n 's@./(d+.)[^/]+/d+.s*(.*)@$1 $2@' ./*/*.mp4
    rmdir *
    ls -1


    '18. Sketching a design to cut out.mp4'
    '19. Creating a sweep.mp4'

    The regular expression matches as follows:

    Node Explanation
    ( group and capture to 1:
    d+ digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))
    . .
    ) end of 1
    [^/]+ any character except: / (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))
    / /
    d+ digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))
    . .
    s* whitespace (n, r, t, f, and " ") (0 or more times (matching the most amount possible))
    ( group and capture to 2:
    .* any character except n (0 or more times (matching the most amount possible))
    ) end of 2
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  2. You’re looking for something like this:

    for src in */*.mp4; do
      dst=${src%/*}/${src%% *}${src#*/*.}
      echo mv "$src" "$dst"

    Remove echo if the output looks good.

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