I’ve using Google Cloud API and I’ve created instance but without IPv4.
I need instance with IPv4.
Can anyone help me to config AccessConfig?
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use GoogleCloudComputeV1InstancesClient;
use GoogleCloudComputeV1AttachedDisk;
use GoogleCloudComputeV1AttachedDiskInitializeParams;
use GoogleCloudComputeV1Instance;
use GoogleCloudComputeV1NetworkInterface;
use GoogleCloudComputeV1Operation;
use GoogleCloudComputeV1ZoneOperationsClient;
use GoogleCloudComputeV1AccessConfig;
$projectId = 'myProject';
$zoneName = 'europe-west3-c';
function create_instance(
string $projectId,
string $zone,
string $instanceName,
string $machineType = 'n1-standard-1',
string $sourceImage = 'projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10',
string $networkName = 'global/networks/default'
) {
// Set the machine type using the specified zone
$machineTypeFullName = sprintf('zones/%s/machineTypes/%s', $zone, $machineType);
// Set the boot disk
$diskInitializeParams = (new AttachedDiskInitializeParams())
$disk = (new AttachedDisk())
// Set the network
$network = (new NetworkInterface());
// Create the Instance message
$instance = (new Instance())
// Insert the new Compute Engine instance using the InstancesClient
$instancesClient = new InstancesClient();
$operation = $instancesClient->insert($instance, $projectId, $zone);
if ($operation->getStatus() === OperationStatus::RUNNING) {
// Wait until operation completes
$operationClient = new ZoneOperationsClient();
$operationClient->wait($operation->getName(), $projectId, $zone);
printf('Created instance %s' . PHP_EOL, $instanceName);
I think I missed something like this:
$accessConfig = (new AccessConfig())
->setName("External NAT");
$network = (new NetworkInterface())
Can anyone help me?
Source: https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-php/tree/master/Compute/src/V1
And: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docs-samples/blob/master/compute/cloud-client/instances/src/create_instance.php
Typically, with gcloud you would add the ip at create time of the instance:
Not familiar with the php API but perhaps look into the instance creation API call for similar parameters.
More details: