I have a problem. So I have a task that runs every time when a user writes a chat message on my discord server – it’s called on_message
. So my bot has many things to do in this event, and I often get this kind of error:
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending name='pycord: on_message' coro=<Client._run_event() done, defined at /Bots/gift-bot/discord/client.py:374> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x7f68a7bdfc10>()]>>
So I think if I want to fix this, I need to speedup my code. But sadly, I don’t have any clue how i can do it to fix this error.
Edit: I integrated timings and this is what I get printed:
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending name='pycord: on_message' coro=<Client._run_event() done, defined at /Bots/gift-bot/discord/client.py:374> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x7f01063f98e0>()]>>
2 if checks done - 7.867813110351562e-06
5 if checks done - 0.0061550140380859375
mysql checks done - 0.010785341262817383
task done - 0.13075661659240723
2 if checks done - 8.344650268554688e-06
5 if checks done - 0.011545896530151367
mysql checks done - 0.02138519287109375
task done - 0.11132025718688965
2 if checks done - 2.0503997802734375e-05
5 if checks done - 0.008122920989990234
mysql checks done - 0.012276411056518555
2 if checks done - 1.0728836059570312e-05
5 if checks done - 0.014346837997436523
mysql checks done - 0.040288448333740234
task done - 0.12520265579223633
2 if checks done - 1.0728836059570312e-05
5 if checks done - 0.0077972412109375
mysql checks done - 0.013320684432983398
task done - 0.1502058506011963
task done - 0.10663175582885742
2 if checks done - 9.775161743164062e-06
5 if checks done - 0.006486177444458008
mysql checks done - 0.011229515075683594
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending name='pycord: on_message' coro=<Client._run_event() done, defined at /Bots/gift-bot/discord/client.py:374> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x7f010609a9d0>()]>>
2 if checks done - 6.67572021484375e-06
5 if checks done - 0.0049741268157958984
mysql checks done - 0.008575677871704102
task done - 0.10633635520935059
And this is the code for the integrated timings:
async def on_message(self, message):
start = time.time()
# Check ob Nachricht gezählt werden kann
if message.author.bot:
if message.type != discord.MessageType.default:
print(f"2 if checks done - {time.time() - start}")
if isinstance(message.channel, discord.channel.DMChannel):
return await message.reply(f'Hey {message.author.name}!nLeider bin ich der falsche Ansprechpartner, falls du Hilfe suchst.. <:pepe_hands:705896495601287320>nBetrete den https://discord.gg/deutschland Bl4cklist-Discord und sende unserem Support-Bot <@671421220566204446> (`Bl4cklist🔥Support#7717`) eine Private-Nachricht, damit sich unser Support-Team um dein Problem so schnell es geht kümmern kann. <:pepe_love:759741232443949107>')
prefix_now = await get_prefix(message)
if message.content.startswith(str(prefix_now)):
await message.reply("› <a:alarm:769215249261789185> - **UMSTIEG AUF SLASH-COMMANDS:** Ab **jetzt** laufen alle Befehle dieses Bots auf `/` - um Leistung zu sparen und die Erfahrung zu verbessern. Nutze `/help` um eine Befehlsliste zu sehen.")
except discord.Forbidden:
if self.client.user in message.mentions:
response = choice([
"Mit mir kann man die coolsten Gewinnspiele starten! <a:gift:843914342835421185>",
'Wird Zeit jemanden den Tag zu versüßen! <:smile:774755282618286101>',
"Wer nicht auf diesem Server ist, hat die Kontrolle über sein Leben verloren! <a:lach_blue2:803693710490861608>",
"Wann startet endlich ein neues Gewinnspiel? <:whut:848347703217487912>",
"Ich bin der BESTE Gewinnspiel-Bot - Wer was anderes sagt, lügt! <:wyldekatze:842157727169773608>"
await message.reply(f"{response} (Mein Präfix: `/`)", mention_author=False)
except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException, discord.NotFound):
print(f"5 if checks done - {time.time() - start}")
# Cooldown
#self.member_cooldown_list = [i for i in self.member_cooldown_list if i[1] + self.cooldown_val > int(time.time())]
#member_index = next((i for i, v in enumerate(self.member_cooldown_list) if v[0] == message.author.id), None)
#if member_index is not None:
# if self.member_cooldown_list[member_index][1] + self.cooldown_val > int(time.time()):
# return
#self.member_cooldown_list.append((message.author.id, int(time.time())))
# Rollen-Check (Bonus/Ignore)
count = 1
mydb = await getConnection()
mycursor = await mydb.cursor()
await mycursor.execute("SELECT ignore_role_id, bonus_role_id FROM guild_role_settings WHERE guild_id = %s", (message.author.guild.id,))
in_database = await mycursor.fetchone()
if in_database:
if in_database[0] is not None:
role_list = in_database[0].split(" ")
for roleid in role_list:
except ValueError:
role = message.author.guild.get_role(int(roleid))
if role is None:
if role in message.author.roles:
await mycursor.close()
if in_database[1] is not None:
role_list = in_database[1].split(" ")
for roleid in role_list:
except ValueError:
role = message.author.guild.get_role(int(roleid))
if role is None:
if role in message.author.roles:
count += 1
# Kanal-Check (Bonus/Ignore)
await mycursor.execute("SELECT ignore_channel_id FROM guild_channel_settings WHERE guild_id = %s", (message.author.guild.id,))
in_database1 = await mycursor.fetchone()
if in_database1:
if in_database1[0] is not None:
channel_list = in_database1[0].split(" ")
for channelid in channel_list:
except ValueError:
if int(message.channel.id) == int(channelid):
await mycursor.close()
print(f"mysql checks done - {time.time() - start}")
# In Datenbank eintragen
await mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM guild_message_count WHERE guild_id = %s AND user_id = %s",
(message.author.guild.id, message.author.id))
in_database2 = await mycursor.fetchone()
if in_database2:
await mycursor.execute(
"UPDATE guild_message_count SET user_id = %s, message_count = message_count + %s WHERE guild_id = %s AND user_id = %s",
(message.author.id, count, message.author.guild.id, message.author.id))
await mycursor.execute(
"INSERT INTO guild_message_count (user_id, message_count, guild_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
(message.author.id, count, message.author.guild.id))
await mydb.commit()
await mycursor.close()
print(f"task done - {time.time() - start}")
If I try to start my bot with asyncio.run(client.start('token'))
I’m getting this error multiple times:
Ignoring exception in on_guild_channel_delete
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Bots/gift-bot/discord/client.py", line 382, in _run_event
await coro(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Bots/gift-bot/cogs/misc_events.py", line 738, in on_guild_channel_delete
await self.client.wait_until_ready()
File "/Bots/gift-bot/discord/client.py", line 978, in wait_until_ready
await self._ready.wait()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/locks.py", line 226, in wait
await fut
RuntimeError: Task <Task pending name='pycord: on_guild_channel_delete' coro=<Client._run_event() running at /Bots/gift-bot/discord/client.py:382>> got Future <Future pending> attached to a different loop
I’m using Python3.9 on a Debian 10 vServer with pycord2.0.0b5.
IODKU lets you eliminate the separate
Are you using autocommit = ON? Transactions? (The choice there may impact the performance; please provide details so we can advise.)
This error could be because of improper shutdown of the event loop.
This code demonstrates improper shutdown.
Here as soon as the
method returns when taskt1
is done, the loop is closed but the taskt2
is yet to be completed. This raises the error.Output;
The proper shutdown.
Here the second
waits for group of pending tasks before loop closure. This behavior ensures proper closure.The easy way is with
which handles proper shutdown of the loop.For the problem with
, try this solution for now whereclient
is instance ofdiscord.Client
i.e. your class. Instead of callingclient.run
we create a coro and pass it toasyncio.run
.I met a bug with the same error, then I found this https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/29163: task would be garbage collected when there is no strong reference, maybe it is useful to you.
expression blocks the containing coroutine until theawait
ed awaitable returns. This hinders the progress of the coroutine. Butawait
is necessary in a coroutine to yield control back to the event loop so that other coroutines can progress.Too many
s can be problematic, it just makes progress slow.I’ve refactored
coroutine method by breaking it into sub tasks.I’ve created two private async methods with code from part of the
method to make progress concurrent. Whileon_message
is blocked in anawait
, the refactored methods may progress independent ofon_message
method. To make this happen I create two tasks out of the two new coroutines.asyncio.create_tasks
schedules tasks to be run negating the need for anawait
. These tasks may run as soon ason_message
yields control back to event loop on anyawait
following the tasks creation.I didn’t run the code. This is best effort. You have to try experimenting by moving the block which
s the tasks around. And also run it withclient.run
to avoid got Future attached to a different loop error.