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I want to redirect stdin to a file, so that I can write to the file and my program prints the character.
Below is a simple c code snippet, which prints stdin.

The programm is compiled with gcc and runs on debian 4.19.0 in virtualbox


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    int c;
    while( (c = getchar()) !='.') {

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I call the programm with ./printchar 0 < testfile.txt

Then i echo efghi > testfile.txt but nothing happens.
If i prefill the file with abcd, abcd is printed instantly after programm start, but again I can’t echo something to the testfile.

Isn’t it possible to redirect stdin in this way?



  1. I think you can do it using getcharlike this:

    int main(void) 
        int c;
          c = getchar();
          if (c == '.') break;
          if (c != EOF)
        return 0;

    or using read like this:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    int main()
      char c;
      int n;
        n = read(0, &c, 1);
        if(n > 0)
          if (c == '.') break;
      return 0;

    However, you need to append to the file using >> like:

    touch testfile.txt           // create empty file
    ./printchar < testfile.txt   // start program
    echo hello >> testfile.txt   // append to file
    echo world >> testfile.txt   // append to file
    echo . >> testfile.txt       // append to file
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  2. You can also use heredoc << associated with redirection into a file like this :

        << keyCodeToStopWriting >> myFile
        first line
        second line
        keyCodeToStopWriting  //Stop the writing

    In this exemple I use >> to add line at the end of the file but you can overwrite it with >

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