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I try to migrate a trac installation from a debian wheezy server to another debian jessie.

If I copy all files to the new server I get the message, that I have to upgrade with trac-admin /var/trac/blimus upgrade, which seems to work, but it seems not to update all plugins.

for example I had a plugin installed in the old trac, that lets you login on a webpage instead of the htaccess popup.

On the new server I now get the error

Error: Not Found
No handler matched request to /login

How do I get the web-login back?

Is there a way to analyze the old trac folder, which plugins were installed, so I can install the missing ones in the new installation?

I checked the new trac.ini file and added the missing options, this is my trac.ini

These are my versions:

# trac-admin --version          
Warning: Detected setuptools version 5.5.1.
Welcome to trac-admin 1.0.2



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This instruction will work on Debian jessie (Trac 1.0.2), as well as Ubuntu 14.04 trusty (Trac 1.0.1)


    On your old Debian wheezy server:

    # cd ~/
    # tar -cvzf trac-example.tgz /var/trac/example
    # cp /var/trac/example/conf/trac.ini trac.ini-example
    # update your trac.ini-example to match new settings

    Installation on the new server

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    ####################### config ##############################
    # where you store your tgz backup and the new trac.ini file
    # install packages without user interaction:
    export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
    apt-get -y install unzip apache2 trac trac-accountmanager trac-xmlrpc libapache2-mod-python libapache2-mod-python-doc libapache2-mod-wsgi
    a2dismod python
    a2enmod rewrite
    # add trac user for apache WSGIDaemonProcess:
    adduser --shell /bin/sh --no-create-home --disabled-password trac
    mkdir -p /home/trac/.keep-for-mod_wsgi
    mkdir -p /var/trac

    # extract the tar-gz file of the trac installation from the old server

    tar -C /var/trac/ -xvzf $BACKUP_PATH/trac-example.tgz 
     # copy your new config here:
    cp $INSTALLPATH/conf/trac.ini $INSTALLPATH/conf/trac.ini-backup
    cp $BACKUP_PATH/trac.ini-example $INSTALLPATH/conf/trac.ini

    # remove old plugins and eggs

    rm -rf $INSTALLPATH/plugins/nevernotifyupdaterplugin-0.0.* $INSTALLPATH/eggs/*

    # update Trac

    trac-admin $INSTALLPATH upgrade
    trac-admin $INSTALLPATH wiki upgrade
    trac-admin $INSTALLPATH deploy $DEPLOYPATH/
    chmod ugo+x $DEPLOYPATH/cgi-bin/ $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/
    # downgrade genshi from 7.3 to 6.0 due to error when adding an attachment:
    easy_install -U Genshi==0.6
    # upgrade setuptools
    easy_install -U setuptools==1.4.2

    # install neverNotifier Plugin

    # (This is still needed on trac 1.0.x, on 1.2 ist is obsolete)

    cd /tmp
    wget "│
    unzip 1.0?r*
    cd 1.0/
    python bdist_egg
    cp dist/nevernotifyupdaterplugin-1.0-py2.7.egg $INSTALLPATH/plugins/

    # setup hosts file

    VHOST=$(cat <<EOF
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      Alias /trac/chrome/common $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/site/common
      Alias /trac/chrome/site $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/site
      <Directory "$DEPLOYPATH/htdocs">
        Require all granted
      <Location "/trac">
        SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE "$INSTALLPATH/.python-eggs"
      ##trac mit mod_wsgi
      WSGIDaemonProcess trac user=trac group=trac threads=25
      WSGIScriptAlias /trac $DEPLOYPATH/cgi-bin/trac.wsgi
      <Directory $DEPLOYPATH/apache>
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
        Require all granted
      <Directory $DEPLOYPATH/cgi-bin>
        Require all granted
      <Directory $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/common>
        Require all granted
      <Directory $DEPLOYPATH/htdocs/site>
        Require all granted

    # apache config

    echo "${VHOST}" > /etc/apache2/sites-available/trac-example.conf
    a2ensite trac-example

    On a fresh installed systen, disable the default apache config

    rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

    then restart apache

    service apache2 restart

  2. If the plugin were installed in the Environment plugins directory as eggs, they will be carried over to your new server when you copied the the environment. However, you almost certainly need to upgrade to newer versions, so I suggest deleting the eggs from the Environment plugins directory. The plugins might also have been installed in Python’s site-packages. Or they could have been installed using Debian’s package manager, I’m not sure if plugins are available there, you might want to search using apt. See Trac Plugin documentation.

    Which version of Trac are you running now? I assume it’s 1.2.3.

    You trac.ini shows that you have 3 plugins installed, and you no longer need one of them in Trac 1.2 (NeverNotifyUpdaterPlugin). You should install these two:
    * AccountManagerPlugin
    * XmlRpcPlugin

    I don’t know if Debian packages those for distribution. If not, you can install them with pip.

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