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I have a fresh server with debian 10.3.

I want to use it as a STUN/TURN server for webrtc.

But I have already issues with step one. Installing coturn.

Every single guide tells me:

On Debian and Ubuntu there are official repository packages available: sudo apt install coturn

I also tried:

apt install coturn 

apt-get install coturn 

Eventhough all guides tell me there are official packages available, it seems that its simply wrong.
I searched manually for a package and found:

Now I am worried. Shall I search for a method to install it manually or am I missing something?

I have not much experience with debian and linux in general.

This is what I see after I try to install it:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package coturn



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    When you have a freshly installed Ubuntu system, the cache is empty. This is why you should run the apt update command right after installing Ubuntu or any other distributions based on Ubuntu

    Just run sudo apt update or apt update and it should work. Did for me.

  2. Problem

    I looked it up on the debian repository and it should be available for arm32.
    What CPU architecture do you use? Mine is “armv7l” (raspberry pi 4).
    It is possible that the package is not available for your current architecture.
    the link that you provided states that this package runs on i386 (32bit intel/amd) amd64 (64bit intel/amd) armel and armhf (32 bit arm). Could it be that you are using a 64bit arm processor with 64 bit debian?
    to find out which processor type you have type uname -m in a terminal.

    possible solutions in no particular order

    • install 32 bit debian instead of 64 bit (it should still work on a 64 bit processor)
    • see whether the package is distributed as an appimage / snap / flatpak
    • look up how to compile it from source
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