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I am trying to override the entrypoint in a docker image with a script execution that accepts arguments, and it fails as follows

▶ docker run --entrypoint "/bin/sh -c ' arg1 arg2'" my-image:latest
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "/bin/sh -c ' arg1 arg2'": stat /bin/sh -c ' arg1 arg2': no such file or directory: unknown.

However when I exec to the container, the above command succeeds:

▶  docker run --entrypoint sh -it my-image:latest
~ $ /bin/sh -c ' arg1 arg2'

Am I missing sth in the syntax?



  1. Remember that arguments after the container image name are simply passed to the ENTRYPOINT script. So you can write:

    docker run --entrypoint my-image:latest arg1 arg2

    For example, if I have (mode 0755) containing:

    for arg in "$@"; do
        echo "Arg: $arg"

    And a Dockerfile like this:

    COPY /usr/local/bin/
    ENTRYPOINT ["date"]

    Then I can run:

    docker run --rm --entrypoint my-image arg1 arg2

    And get as output:

    Arg: arg1
    Arg: arg2

    If you want to run an arbitrary sequence of shell commands, you can of course do this:

    docker run --rm --entrypoint sh my-image 
      -c 'ls -al && arg1 arg2'
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  2. If you need to do this at all regularly, you can refactor your Dockerfile to make this easier to do.

    A Docker container’s main process is run by concatenating together the "entrypoint" and "command" argument lists. In a Dockerfile, these come from the ENTRYPOINT and CMD directives. In the docker run command this is trickier: anything after the image name is the "command" part, but the "entrypoint" part needs to be provided by the --entrypoint argument, it needs to be before the image name, and it can only be a single word.

    If you need to routinely replace the command, the syntax becomes much cleaner if you set it using CMD and not ENTRYPOINT in the Dockerfile.

    # Dockerfile
    CMD ["some", "main", "command"] # not ENTRYPOINT

    If you make this change, then you can just put your alternate command after the image name in the docker run command, without a --entrypoint option and without splitting the command string around the image name.

    docker run my-image:latest /bin/sh -c ' arg1 arg2'

    I will somewhat routinely recommend a pattern where ENTRYPOINT is a wrapper script that does some first-time setup, then does something like exec "$@" to run the command that’s passed to it as arguments. That setup is compatible with this CMD-first approach: the entrypoint wrapper will do its setup and then run the override command instead of the image’s command.

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  3. Not pretty but this worked for me:

    docker run image "/bin/bash" "-c" "source ~/.bashrc && /bin/bash"
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