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At work we use the amazon/dynamodb-local docker for local DynamoDb.

However when I run aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000 --region local

I get:

An error occurred (426) when calling the ListTables operation: Upgrade Required

whereas it works for my colleague (and same for other operations)

My colleague and I have the same docker images and the same aws --version… Any idea what could be wrong?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This was fixed by restarting the computer. We don't know yet exactly what happens but some process that was started at the start of the computer would cause failures, will update the question when found which one exactly

  2. I just solved this exact issue myself – some other process (Loom actually) was doing something on the port in question (8000). Killing that got rid of this error.

    Assuming you’re on a Mac run lsof -i :8000 (replace 8000 with whatever port you’re using) to see what might be conflicting.

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