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I’m building a Docker image with Kaniko.
I would like to use two separate private artifactories for my GitLab CI/CD pipeline:

  1. One from which the Dockerfile takes its source image (Artifactory1/Repo1)
  2. One to which the pipeline will push the ready image (Artifactory2/Repo2)

Both have separate credentials.

My question is, how could I add the login credentials for the second, destination artifactory? I have tried with -u -p flags, and also with a separate line, did not work.

As of now my gitlab-ci.yml code looks something like this:

    name: artifactory1/kaniko/executor:debug
    entrypoint: [""]
    - build
    stage: build
        - env
        - KANIKOCFG=""auths":{"artifactory1/repo1/":{"auth":"$(printf "%s:%s" "${ARTIFACTORY1_USER}" "${ARTIFACTORY1_PASS}" | base64 | tr -d 'n')"}}"
        - KANIKOCFG="{ ${KANIKOCFG} }"
        - echo ${KANIKOCFG} >> /kaniko/.docker/config.json
        - /kaniko/executor --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR/ --destination artifactory2/repo2/finalimage:1.0.0

Both artifactory1 and artfactory2 credentials are known and added to GitLab as variables, something like this:


I’m always getting an authentication error for REPO2 that I cant push there. Of course now it does not work because I could not set authentication up in the correct way.



  1. I think it will be much easier for you to build with Kaniko and push docker images through the JFrog CLI.

    See the example here.

    On top of that with JFrog CLI you can configure multiple Artifactory registries and distinguish between them with ‘–server-id’
    See the documentation here.

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  2. You may have a problem on the file /kaniko/.docker/config.json

    The config.json should look like this:

      "auths": {
        "$REPO1_URL": {
          "username": "$ARTIFACTORY1_USER",
          "password": "$ARTIFACTORY1_PASS"
        "$REPO2_URL": {
          "username": "$ARTIFACTORY2_USER",
          "password": "$ARTIFACTORY2_PASS"

    Give a try on the following code to update your config.json file:

      - echo "{"auths":{"$REPO1_URL":{"username":"$ARTIFACTORY1_USER","password":"$ARTIFACTORY1_PASS"},"$REPO2_URL":{"username":"$ARTIFACTORY2_USER","password":"$ARTIFACTORY1_PASS"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
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