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I need to have bash shell commands run through python in order to be universal with pc and mac/linux. ./bin/production doesn’t work in powershell and putting ‘bash’ in front would give an error that it doesn’t recognize ‘docker’ command

./bin/production contents:

docker run --rm -it 
    --volume ${PWD}/prime:/app 
    $(docker build -q docker/prime) 
    npm run build

This is the python script:

import subprocess
from python_on_whales import docker
cmd ='docker run --rm -it --volume ${PWD}/prime:/app $(docker build -q docker/prime) npm run build')
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()

This is the error I get when running the python script:

python_on_whales.exceptions.NoSuchImage: The docker command executed was C:Program FilesDockerDockerresourcesbindocker.EXE image inspect docker run --rm -it --volume ${PWD}/prime:/app $(docker build -q docker/prime) npm run build.
It returned with code 1
The content of stdout is ‘[] ‘
The content of stderr is ‘Error response from daemon: no such image: docker run –rm -it –volume ${PWD}/prime:/app $(docker build -q docker/prime) npm run build: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

Running the command, docker run --rm -it--volume ${PWD}/prime:/app $(docker build -q docker/prime) npm run build in one long line in powershell works but we want a universal standard command for both pc and mac/linux



  1. This might not be what you’re looking for but you can always try this:

    import platform
    import subprocess
    import os
    cur_os = platform.system()
    if cur_os == "Windows":
        print("You are on windows")
        os.system('Command here') # for windows
    elif cur_os == "Darwin":
        print("You are on mac")'Command goes here') # for mac

    I’m intermediate with python so don’t judge, if I did something wrong please give me feedback. Thanks.

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  2. The Python on Whales function doesn’t take a docker run ... command line. It is a native Python API where you need to express the various Docker options as function parameters.

    In principle you could rewrite this Python script using that API:

    from pathlib import Path
    from python_on_whales import docker
    # build the image, returns an Image object
    image = / 'docker' / 'prime')
    # start the container; like `docker run ...`,
               command=['npm', 'run', 'build'],
               volumes=[(Path.cwd() / 'prime', '/app')], # -v $(PWD)/prime:/app
               interactive=True,                         # -i (required?)
               tty=True,                                 # -t (required?)
               remove=True)                              # --rm

    The return value from (without detach=True) is the container’s stdout, and the examples print() that data.

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