I’m pretty new to Kubernetes, I have docker for mac, not minikube.
I have the deployment file running with one pod (containing an express app) in the cluster, then i created a NodePort service.
Inside the express app i have a get request to ‘/posts’ and I want to access it from the localhost.
i have this service file here:
However, when i’m trying to access my localhost in the port that is given to the NodePort service,
for example localhost:30134/posts,
i get page isn’t working on Chrome.
Anyone has an idea why?
thanks for your help.
eventually the problem was a spelling mistake in my deployment file.
At first i wrote "apps"... then i realized and change to "app" and it worked.
First you should figure out what node the "posts" pod is running on.
Once you figure out which node it’s running on, retrieve its INTERNAL-IP:
After that you will be able to reach the node via Browser (NODE-INTERNAL-IP:NODEPORT-PORT).
If you absolutely want to reach the service via "localhost" name, add the entry in the /etc/hosts file.
For example: