I’m trying to push a new image to docker hub when adding tags.
Initially the push works ok:
docker build -t myimage .
docker tag myimage myuser/myrepo:latest
docker push myuser/myrepo:latest
but after i add another tag it didn’t let me:
docker tag myuser/myrepo:latest myuser/myrepo:another
i got:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
it’s the same when i try to pull my repo:
docker pull nicoplw/culo2:latest
i got:
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for nicoplw/culo2,
repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied:
requested access to the resource is denied
Note that my repo is in docker hub after i initially pushed it.
I tried with
docker logout
docker login
and also with
docker login -u username -p password
i always get "login successfull"
i tried every stackoverflow and docker forums question but i couldn’t make it work. What am i missing here?
It happens to be that you can only have 1 private repository. If you create a second one it will somehow be created, but if you try to pull or push it will give this pull/push login error.
Solution: delete all your repositories if you want to push a new one, or make it public.
I think the issue is with your push command
Can you revisit your command or can you share the exert command which you are using