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Currently I am running windows with docker for windows installed.
I have made a java application in Spring Boot that I want to build an image of and run in a docker container.

What am I doing wrong?
When I run the bellow and can see in my cmd prompt that the application starts and run. But there is no image in in docker and nothing running there.

# Build stage
FROM maven:3.8.4-openjdk-17 AS build
COPY src /test/src
COPY pom.xml /test
#RUN mvn -f /test/pom.xml clean package
RUN mvn -f /test/pom.xml clean package

# Package stage
FROM openjdk:17-alpine
COPY --from=build /test/target/test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/local/lib/test.jar

ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/usr/local/lib/test.jar"]

What am I missing?

I have the application in a folder /test and the Dockerfile is also under /test. I go to this location in the cmd prompt and enter:

docker build -t testapp .



  1. docker build will only build docker image
    if you want to run the image in your docker try running the command

    docker run  testapp

    docker build builds a new image from the source code.

    docker create creates a writeable container from the image and prepares it for running.

    docker run creates the container (same as docker create) and runs it.

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  2. The command you are running, docker build -t testapp ., only creates the docker image that you can check with the command someone stated in the comments : docker images -a.

    To run the image in a docker container you must use the run command : docker run testapp. Then you will see the container in the Docker app.

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  3. I was doing everything correct except for that when I thought the image was ready/built I run test of my java application that looked as the application had started.

    By setting <maven.test.skip>true</maven.test.skip> I skipped the test and the build was finished. I got the image which I now can start. Thank you all for your question and assistance.

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