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When trying to build a docker image with a large value of UID, such as 1000123456, docker build repeatedly hangs on the line with RUN useradd.

To reproduce:

$ touch Dockerfile
$ echo FROM ubuntu:latest >> Dockerfile
$ echo RUN useradd -m -s /bin/bash -N -u 1000123456 jovyan >> Dockerfile
$ docker build --tag mirekphd/test-uid .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
Step 1/2 : FROM ubuntu:latest
 ---> d2e4e1f51132
Step 2/2 : RUN useradd -m -s /bin/bash -N -u 1000123456 jovyan
 ---> Running in 04707e01aefc

Any known solutions (to accept) or at least workarounds (to upvote)?

More info

This bug can manifest itself for example when trying to hard-code (for debug only) a UID within the range of values accepted by one of Openshift/OKD namespaces.

As a side-effect of this issue, the build takes up huge amount of disk space (any proposed workarounds should be free of this side-effect):

$ docker system prune -f
Deleted Containers:

Total reclaimed space: 648.1GB



  1. Please, introduce the following instructions:

    RUN apt -y update
    RUN apt -y install strace
    RUN strace useradd -m -s /bin/bash -N -u 123456 jovyan

    You can see that useradd exits and docker build terminates as expected.

    Now, change UID into 1000123456: useradd terminates as the previous scenario, but docker doesn’t.

    I suppose may be a bug in the Ubuntu image.

    I suggest you to try with another image…

    Let me know if it will work.


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  2. You can use the useradd‘s --no-log-init option (or shorter: -l):

    useradd --no-log-init -m -s /bin/bash -N -u 1000123456 jovyan

    The huge files created in the Docker image (/var/log/faillog and /var/log/lastlog) are sparse files. Using --no-log-init avoids creating these files (huge in the case you add a user with a large uid). Why are these files huge?

    useradd by default reserves space for all users, so when using (say), uid 10000, it reserves space for 10000 users, even if only user 10000 is used; for this, a sparse-file is created


    References (it seems to be a known issue for a long time):

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