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After lot of building docker compose project, now my docker-compose build refuse to build because:

failed to fetch oauth token: Post "
proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp 

when I launch docker-compose build

I try this to know who use 7080 TCP port : netstat -ano | findstr :7080
And I have result only during docker-compose run (just after throw error the result of this command is empty) :

 TCP         SYN_SENT        3184

 TCP         SYN_SENT        3184

I try this command to know which program is this 3184 PID but nothing result (same if docker-compose run) : tasklist /fi "pid eq 3184"

My Windows taskManager show nothing.

I also try to connect into docker hub with : docker login (connected correctly)

I found nothing information about 7080 port or 3184 PID program…

I also use TCPView or Cports program to found those but nothing

technical context :

  • OS : windows 11 family
  • docker desktop : 4.19.0



  1. SYN_SENT basically means that OS allocated this port for TCP connection. This port is completely random, selected by OS (there is some range but still), so do not try to find anything about this specific port or PID.

    I suggest you reading this article. Once the PID allocated this port dies, you no longer see this SYS_SENT socket, which is perfectly reasonable.

    Regarding the question itself, if you have SYN_SENT, in overwhelming amount of cases that means the network connectivity issue. Basiaclly, the error messages that you posted means – docker have tried to establish TCP connection with the host, OS allocated 7080 port for it, but still it got nothing back in response from host. Check if you can connect to this host from the docker-compose environment, like:


    Most likely it would fail, and if did, than you at least know where to dig further, because network issues can be because whole hell of reasons…

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  2. I suggest you:
    1- Check for conflit to see if any programs or services are using this port (you can use TCPView to identify)
    2- Check your firewall and security settings.(you can temporily disable)

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