I am setting up the airflow in my macOS using Docker and I am encountering this below error while doing the setup. Any help would be appreciated.
ERROR: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": x509: certificate is valid for *.integration.livongo.com, integration.livongo.com, not registry-1.docker.io
I have had the same issue this week when upgrading to the latest Docker Desktop 4.4.4.
I am behind a company proxy which injects it’s own CA certificate which can cause this problem. If that is your case, make sure you know what is the http & https proxy URL or IP if there is one, and add it in the Docker Desktop settings, under Resources/Proxies.
You may also add the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables to your system with the full url,IP of the proxy server.
If the problem persists, roll back to a previous version of Docker Desktop. That’s what I ended up doing in the end because the latest version didn’t work with my proxy configuration.
This may be because of default Enable of docker-compose command to use Docker Compose V2
To disable Docker Compose V2:
Docker Settings > General > Use Docker Compose V2 ( UNCHECK the box )
This should resolve your error.. Happy Coding 🙂