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I need a PowerShell script to get latest binary version from this archive list

So as when I run the script, it checks for latest zip and returns me latest version number and link to download. For example, if latest file is then I need

  • 24.0.6
  • link to that zip which ultimately I can use to download

I have subsequent script to utilize that zip but I have never tried getting it from an archive url.



  1. docker-check.ps1:

    $archiveUrl = ""
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $archiveUrl
    $pattern = '<a href="([^"]*docker-([d.]+).zip)"'
    $matches = [regex]::Matches($response.Content, $pattern)
    $latestVersion = $null
    $latestDownloadLink = $null
    foreach ($match in $matches) {
        $downloadLink = $match.Groups[1].Value
        $version = $match.Groups[2].Value
        if ($latestVersion -eq $null -or [Version]$version -gt [Version]$latestVersion) {
            $latestVersion = $version
            $latestDownloadLink = $downloadLink
    if ($latestVersion -ne $null -and $latestDownloadLink -ne $null) {
        Write-Host "Latest Version: $latestVersion"
        Write-Host "Download Link: $archiveUrl$latestDownloadLink"
    } else {
        Write-Host "Unable to find the latest version and download link."


    enter image description here

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  2. To offer a simpler alternative to Ömer Sezer’s helpful solution, based on the observation that the version list at is simply being appended to, implying that the most recent recent version is listed last:

    $rootUrl = ''
    # Get the name of the ZIP file containing the latest version, 
    # assumed to be the last one ([-1]) listed.
    $latestVersionZipFile = 
        (Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing $rootUrl), 
    # Construct the full download URL
    $latestVersionZipFileUrl = $rootUrl + $latestVersionZip

    Note: -UseBasicParsing, which prevents parsing of the response by the obsolete Internet Explorer engine, is only required in Windows PowerShell – you can omit the parameter in PowerShell (Core) 7+.

    You can then download the latest version as follows:

    Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing $latestVersionZipFileUrl -OutFile $latestVersionZipFile

    If you don’t want to rely on the last ZIP file listed being the most recent one, replace the $latestZipFile = ... statement with the following, which sorts the extracted filenames by their embedded version number and picks the highest one.

    $latestVersionZipFile = 
        (Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing $rootUrl), 
      ).Value |
      Sort-Object { [version] ($_ -replace '^docker-|(-ce)?.zip') } |
      Select-Object -Last 1
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