I am getting error while creating docker image for a spring boot microservice(XMDService) which is using library in jfrog(I have added the dependencies for these libraries in pom.xml
file and repository also .)
I copied settings.xml to the current directory. And I am getting 401 Unauthorized error.
<java.version>11</java. Version>
<spring-cloud. Version>2021.0.3</spring-cloud.version>
. <repository>
<version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>`enter code here`
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jre-jammy
COPY .mvn/ .mvn
COPY mvnw pom.xml ./
COPY mvnw settings.xml ./
RUN ./mvnw -s settings.xml dependency:resolve
COPY src ./src
CMD ["./mvnw", "spring-boot:run"]
If you use local libraries you should add copy statments to your dockerfile, in which you copy the needed libraries to the right place I guess.
Because your libraries do not exist in any maven repository so when installing maven cannot recornize it..
The simply solution is that copy your libraries into a folder and then add them to maven like below
Step to build dockerfile