I am facing problem with installation of .exe file inside docker container:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:7.0 AS base
SHELL ["pwsh", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
RUN dotnet tool install --global --version 7.3.11 PowerShell
ADD https://downloads.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf-c/4.9.2/netCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe lib/netCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe
RUN start-process -Filepath "C:libnetCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe" -Wait -PassThru -ArgumentList "/S" , "/D=C:NetCdf"
CMD ["pwsh"]
After docker build .
all steps are running correctly till installation step… Output shows no file to be process:
Step 6/7 : RUN start-process -Filepath "C:libnetCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe" -Wait -PassThru -ArgumentList "/S" , "/D=C:NetCdf"
---> Running in 8e200fa39c0f
NPM(K) PM(M) WS(M) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1544
Removing intermediate container 8e200fa39c0f
Checked manually and by "RUN Get-ChildItem -Path "C:libnetCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe" that file is present.
Checked by running…
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows:20H2 AS base
ADD https://downloads.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf-c/4.9.2/netCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe lib/netCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe
RUN powershell Start-Process -filepath 'C:libnetCDF4.9.2-NC4-DAP-64.exe' -Wait -PassThru -ArgumentList '/S' , '/D=C:NetCdf'
…that for old normal PowerShell application is installed correctly:
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
168 11 1724 8688 0.09 2292 1 netCDF4.9.2-NC4-DA...
Executing command manually inside container also worked
Is there any related known bug with pwsh tool?
Is there better way to install this file with CMD or even dotnet somehow?
I spent whole day on trying to make it work, so any help would appreciated 🙂
I was not able to install any .exe file with mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:7.0 - this one is too limited. Instead I used aspnet:7.0-windowsservercore-ltsc2022 and there powershell scripts worked.
In principle, you need to
characters inRUN
instructions when using PowerShell (either edition) as the shell in a Windows image.Unfortunately, however, this isn’t enough due to a long-standing bug in the .NET tool version of PowerShell (Core), which doesn’t honor even properly escaped
chars. – see GitHub issue #11747Therefore, simply use single-quoted (
aka verbatim) strings in your command (as you did in the Windows PowerShell call, topowershell.exe
This simple workaround is possible in your case, because your command happens not to require expansions (string interpolation) (which only expandable (
) string literals in PowerShell provide).Since
chars. have no syntactic function on the PowerShell CLI’s command line, they can be used without escaping.[1][1] There’s a largely hypothetical caveat: Unless everything that follows
-enclosed overall, the interior of'...'
strings that contain spaces are technically passed as multiple arguments, which are then stitched back together with a single space as the separator, before the result is then interpreted as PowerShell code. This results in whitespace normalization: that is, runs of two or more spaces turn into a single space each; e.g.,'foo bar'
would become'foo bar'