I am trying to log in to dockerhub to be able to push my containers up to my account. I am on a mac using brew. Docker and Colima are installed successfully and I am able to build and run containers just fine.
However when I try to log in with the command
docker login
I enter my username, then my password, then it sits for a second before returning this error message.
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `Post "http://ipc/registry/credstore-updated": dial unix /Users/<username>/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/backend.sock: connect: connection refused`
Any help or ideas on how to debug this would be helpful. I’m not really even sure where to start.
Thank You
The problem here is probably that you have the .docker directory pointing things to Docker Desktop. Try
mv ~/.docker ~/.docker.bak
and restart colima and try it. I think you’ll find that’s what it is.Had the same issue, stopped the colima process, swapped out the old ~/.docker (mv ~/.docker ~/.docker_bak) directory and restarted colima. docker login and image pull works crisp now..!