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Does Docker link images at build time or execution time? I am presenting a very simple case here to demonstrate my dilemma but I am presently rebuilding a chain of Docker files every time I change the base docker image and Im not sure if I even need to.

I have two docker files:

my base-docker-file contains

# this is not based on another image

RUN build commands here 

which I build with

docker build --no-cache -t base-image -f base-docker-file.

and my from-docker-file here:

# this is based on the base-image
FROM base-image

RUN build commands here 

which I build with

docker build --no-cache -t from-image -f from-docker-file.

Based on this simple setup, do I need to rebuild my from-image whenever I make a change to my base-image or does image linking occur at run time?



  1. 1. Multi-stage build

    Multi-stage build allows you to isolate images in one Dockerfile. 1


    # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
    FROM alpine:latest AS builder
    RUN apk --no-cache add build-base
    FROM builder
    COPY source1.cpp source.cpp
    RUN g++ -o /binary source.cpp

    2. Turn off no-cache when building the base-image.

    Simple. If there are no changes in the base image, it will not rebuild due to cache.

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  2. you will have to build each time if you make a change to the base-image. You could add these individual commands in a script to be executed together rather than running them separate everytime

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