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I’m trying to run a container using testcontainers. Here is my code:

func createContainer(ctx context.Context) (testcontainers.Container, *gorm.DB, string, error) {
    var env = map[string]string{
        "POSTGRES_PASSWORD": DbPass,
        "POSTGRES_USER":     DbUser,
        "POSTGRES_DB":       DbName,
    var port = "5432/tcp"

    path := `C:/Desktop/Folder/golang/TgBotReminder/internal/db/postgresql/migration/notes.sql`

    req := testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
        ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
            Image:        "postgres:latest",
            ExposedPorts: []string{port},
            Env:          env,
            WaitingFor:   wait.ForLog("database system is ready to accept connections"),
            SkipReaper:   true,
            Mounts: testcontainers.Mounts(
                testcontainers.BindMount(path, "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d"),
        Started: true,

The directory I’ve mentioned in the path variable exists. But I got the error: Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist: /pipe/docker_engine: creating reaper failed: failed to create container.
I got this error even if I comment lines with Mounts.
How to fix it? And also is it correct to type filename in the path variable ("notes.sql")? Or should I only type the directory here?

Thank you in advance

Update 1

I also tried this code right now:

container, err := tspostgres.RunContainer(ctx,
        tspostgres.WithInitScripts(filepath.Join(".", "test_migration", "notes.sql")),
            wait.ForLog("database system is ready to accept connections").

    if err != nil {

got the same error

Update 2

Here is another piece of code I’ve tried:

path := `/${PWD}/desktop/folder/golang/tgbotreminder/internal/db/postgresql/migration/notes.sql`
target := "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/"
Mounts: testcontainers.ContainerMounts{
                    Source: testcontainers.GenericBindMountSource{
                        HostPath: path,
                    Target: testcontainers.ContainerMountTarget(target),

No luck again 🙁

Update 3

Here is my another attempt:

Mounts: testcontainers.Mounts(testcontainers.ContainerMount{
                Source: testcontainers.GenericBindMountSource{
                        HostPath: path,
                Target: testcontainers.ContainerMountTarget(target),

It also doesn’t work



  1. it seems like the issue lies with the Mounts try:

    Mounts: []testcontainers.Mount{
                    Source: path,
                    Target: "/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/notes.sql",
                    Type:   testcontainers.BindMountType,

    when specifying the source path for a bind mount, you should provide the complete path to the file, including the file name itself. So, it is correct to include the filename ("notes.sql") in the path variable.

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  2. It seems like the issue is with the image Ryuk and some hard-coded values which is not compatible with windows.

    testcontainers-go currently doesn’t support "Windows containers": it has some hard-coded defaults that don’t consider the possibility of Windows containers.


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